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Old 01-21-2008, 07:26 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Jake Chatich
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HeLlO mah sTePh!!
It's your crazy friend who dropped in to read your amzing one shot!!!!! You really know the secret to make me cry, don't you? lol
It took me a while, to figure it was a sevans. I was reading others people's comments and they were all talking about a Sevans and I was like, 'what? wait a minute'. Now it makes sense to me once I think about it.
Well, I have to say I am soo much more serious here than I am in your ff! What happended to me? I guess you made it so deep that I was so in to it. I like felt what Snape was feeling. You really know how to describe his feelings really well.
Great job!!!!!!!!!!
-*~ Shirel ~*-
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