Chapter 20: Why?
Wow... this is a DARK chapter. Hope you like it. Keep commenting so I know I haven't lost you all!
Love to all my readers!
~Krissy Moon “I’ll show you hormones You bloody GIT!” Ginny shouted at Draco as she pushed her wand against his chest. With a small movement Ron pushed Ginny’s wand down with one finger.
“Calm down Gin, He didn’t do it.” Ron took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “Actually I kind of owe him a debt of gratitude.” The mere idea of owing Draco Malfoy shook Ron to his very core.
Ginny looked from Ron to Harry with confusion in her eyes. Sitting down on the arm of Harry’s chair she looked at Draco through squinted eyes. With a brief wave of her hand she said, “Well Malfoy? Out with it. What’s your angle?”
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“Hermione dear! How lovely of you to stop by with my gorgeous granddaughter!” Molly said as she scooped up Minerva into her arms. Hermione smiled at her loving Mother -in-law.
“Well Molly I wish it was for better reasons. Would you be terribly put out if I asked you to mind Minnie for a bit? I need to get back to Harry’s house.” She said in a hurry, though she didn’t want to be a part of it, she didn’t want to miss a second of Draco explaining himself and his actions. Molly looked at Hermione with concern written all over her face.
“What has that boy gotten himself into now?” Molly asked with obvious fear in her voice.
Hermione simply shook her head. “I’ve no idea, and I’d like to get back to the house so I can find out why there is a Goyle and a Malfoy sipping tea in the Potter’s sitting room.” Molly’s eyes widened at the mention of the death eaters’ names.
Closing her eyes and shaking her head slightly as she cuddled Minnie close to her bosom she said, “Very well, leave her here until that trash is out of his home. Don’t leave Ginny and Harry alone with them, Neither you nor Ron should leave them. I Don’t trust them as far as I can throw a cat!” Molly said with a shudder. Hermione nodded and hugged Molly, gave Minnie a small kiss on the forehead ; With a loud Pop she was gone.
“Well Minerva Molly Weasely, lets go see what your Pop-pop is doing in his workshop.” Molly said to her cooing granddaughter with a sigh.
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“…And that is why I decided to go to the ministry.” All eyes were on Greg Goyle as he finished giving his reason for turning against Lucius Malfoy.
“I can’t believe he killed your mum and your wife right in front of you…” Ginny whispered as she wiped a single tear from her cheek.
“I can’t believe it was because you hit Harry with that spell instead of me.” Ron whispered. As if he didn’t feel enough guilt for Harry getting hit with that curse, now he had the blood of two Goyle women on his hands.
“Yes well, it turns out I said the wrong words anyway didn’t I? Gave you extra powers Eh Potter?” Goyle said with a shake of his head. Looking toward Draco he said, “No wonder I was always your bumbling sidekick at school, I can’t even get a simple hex right.” Snapping his head back toward Ron and Harry he practically shouted, “Not that I wanted to kill you! I was just following orders!”
“Yeah yeah Goyle, we know what you were doing.” Harry said with a half smile. “So Draco, why did you…?”
Hermione gently tugged on Ginny’s hand and pulled her to the kitchen. She had done some research as to why Draco may have hated his father, and she had a feeling that Ginny wouldn’t be able to handle it at the moment.
“Well Potter, after the Dark Lord fell I went to live in the muggle world for a few years. I was in this small town in the states living a quiet life. I met a girl… Monique. We fell in love. Real love, not just infatuation. She was completely Muggle, but when she found out I was a Wizard she was fascinated. When we decided to marry I lied to my father, I told him that she was a witch in hiding, but she was eager to return to England.” Draco ran his hand through his shiny blond hair. “ We were married for a year when we decided to come to England. She was so excited to be leaving the US. Pregnant with our first baby we decided to move back before she gave birth.” Tears were in Draco’s eyes as his voice cracked. “When we showed up to my parent’s house so they could all meet… He opened the door and immediately hit me with a stupefy curse. He… he knew. He said he would have nothing to do with a filthy muggle and that no grandchild of his would be a mud blood.” He brushed roughly at the tear on his cheek and cleared his throat obviously embarrassed by his show of emotion. “ He levitated me in my stupefied state to the field at the back of our property so I could watch… There were at least a dozen death eaters there in a circle. They stunned her…They stunned my beautiful loving innocent Monique.” He could no longer hold back the tears. “There was a knife… and so much blood. They ripped my son from her lifeless body, they killed him too.” He shuddered against Goyle’s shoulder and then pulled back trying to regain his composure. “Helping you was just a side effect of me getting my revenge. Every last one of them will pay for what they stole from me.” Draco whispered in a cold tone. A voice that shook Harry to his soul.
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