Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look! Idril nodded in agreement with Aspeth. "Yes, she'll be fine...what's with the sudden worry, Aero?" she asked, grinning at him.
Aragorn smiled, shaking his head. "Well, I think that is enough excitement for me...I'll be in the bedroom, let me know if you need anything," he said, grinning as he walked into the bedroom.
Idril sighed as she looked at their group. Then she turned to Aspeth. "Do you think we should get her out of the wet and muddy things now? I should have thought of this earlier, but it would allow her body to concentrate on healing rather than warming her up," she said with shrug. "Of course, that means that you boys will have to leave the room," she said, raising an eyebrow at Aerosepth and Falsath. Falsath gaped at Idril. "You dare to imply that I would look! I have the most beautiful wife in the world...I look at no other woman that way," he said, crossing his arms.
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