ello again this poem might be stuipd cause i was to lazy to go out to my car and get my poem book lol so i just made it up it took all of five mins but i hope yall like it so ill post another in a few days
tale of me
i am one person
strong and imangintive
gentle but forceful
when i need to be
i have a love
for the sun
hate the cold
and how it makes me feel
i can peer into ones eyes
and see evrything about them
including there thoughts
i have lived many of lives
and kept there lessons
held in side
which has given me wisedom
beyond my years
giving my young body a old soul
i like being out doors
in the middle of nowhere
where all you hear
is the wind blowing
and anmials moving about
i need more relaxtion
i want more attention
i have a wicked fear of falling
and i cant stand petty people
who think the world revoles
around them
im very protective
of the people i love
and care about
i love to write poetry
it like a release of everything
i built up in side
a way to show the world
that there really is something
going on in my head
i my not be perfect on the outside
but on the inside
i am beautiful
i am able to see the world
with more than just my eyes
i can feel it
well this is just a little bit
about me as youu can see
hope you enjoy
the tale of me leah mae |