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Old 01-05-2008, 07:40 PM   #115 (permalink)
Pygmy Puff
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OOC: I don't know...

"Ah, don't worry. You'll get in. I hope we leave soon. It's getting chilly. The castle looks nice and warm." Harry said, making small talk to take his mind off of what was to come. What if they had to do something to prove their worth? What if they had to show bravery by fighting a dragon or something? He didn't really know any spells, he had never really looked any up, because he knew he would just learn them later, here. Boy was he stupid. He should've paid attention. His mum would've told him spells, she was really smart. He mentally kicked himself for being so stupid. "Hey, do you know any spells?" Harry asked. Perhaps Liam would have some. Sirius knew some good curses, and he might've told Liam. That could save him.
Home is where the heart is...

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