Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly OMG! OMG! HAIII I KNOW YOU ON LJ! XD I'm captivatingruin @ LJ! The one with the 'Violent Pose' icon! XD FATE HAS BROUGHT US TOGETHER! :O
*HUGS* I LOOOOOVEEE your graphics! Of course I've told you this before. XD Hahaha!
You have no idea how I'm spazzing right now. LMFAO. *SMOOCHES*
EDIT: I just noticed the icon in your sig. GEERARRRDD. I just love that icon. xD
Okay I'll stop blabbing. xD I shall come back with a request! I just need to rummage through the Gerard pics. O_O so... many hot Gerard Way pics. XD
*stops self*
Last edited by Nienna; 01-05-2008 at 05:15 PM.