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YEllOW CAkE NiNjA Ryan, however, remained seated. "If I'm not mistaken, she does seem to be enjoying herself. Best not fix what isn't broken....or something like that." He sighed and looked at his hyperactive girlfriend. Yes....no more punch for you, he thought.
"You know, despite his attitude after I beat him for the snitch, he's not a bad guy. He hasn't threatened me or anything, which I consider to be a pleasantly nice thing, considering some of the people in his house who did (or...almost did)."
He smiled wider, this time. "See?" he said pointing. "Look! She's smiling. In fact, she can't wipe that smile off her face! I think we should just let them continue dancing"
Rapunzel listened to Ryan and had to admit he had a point, being the clever Ravenclaw he was and all.
"Oh," was her simple reply.
"Maybe...maybe you're right," she shrugged. The sugar high was starting to wear off.
"Wait...did you say that some of the Slytherins threatened you after you caught the snitch??!" Rapunzel's eyes were wide with alarm.
"WHO?" she demanded, as if some scrawny blonde 12-year-old could do anything about it...