Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look! Aragorn sighed, not having meant to lecture everyone so much. Looking over to Aerosepth, he smiled slightly. "Well, once she awakes, we'll find out whether she is a threat or not. That will then determine what we do next..." he said, trailing off as he thought about the possibilities. Idril sighed and accepted a bowl of soup from Falsath. When Aragorn was distracted by Aerosepth, she came over to sit by Aspeth's feet. She settled her green riding skirt around her so that it was the most comfortable, and then looked up at her friend. "I didn't mean to snap back...I have a horrible temper, and things have just been bad with Orion these days," she said quietly, so that only Aspeth could hear. "Anytime I try to make amends, he only makes the wound deeper, and I couldn't stand it anymore," she said with a sigh, looking into the murky depths of her soup. Falsath quickly handed out the bowls, and kept one for himself. After he was finished, he placed the soup close to the fireplace so that it would remain at a good temperature without losing all of its moisture. He came back over and took a chair that was close to Aspeth. He had listened carefully to Aragorn and was contemplating his words as he ate his soup.
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