Magical Creatures Park #66
Welcome to Hogwart's Care of Magical Creatures Park.
Right on one end of the Grounds there's a securely gated park, big enough to hold Hogwarts's Magical Creatures. This is the place where all magical creatures reside and are taken care off; feeding, cleaning, training.. etc etc. If you want to learn more about them in your spare time or lend an extra hand to take care of them with your CoMC Professor then this is your place to be. Extra credit points will be issued for dedicated students. Park #66:
Contains all creatures with ratings XXXX - XXXXX, this area of the park is prohibited for students to carry chores on their own. Professor supervision is mandatory at all times. Only students who have an approved permission slip from Professor Clark will be able to work around these creatures.
This area of the park is located on the very end of Park 61, securely protected by a magical gate that won't allow your entrance unless you give it the correct password. To receive the password, you need an approved permission slip. Please note that Hogwarts currently does not hold any XXXXX creatures for students protection, however, if it would gain any, this is where it will reside. Reminders:
XXXXX - Known as a wizard killer, it is impossible to domesticate or train this type of creature.
XXXX - Only should a skilled wizard handle this creature. Requires specialist knowledge, as this creature is still in its nature, very dangerous. |