Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Dec 2005 Location: Wangdoodleland.
Posts: 31,294
| Russian Dancing Snake-Twin | Jam Pony Rider | Has Snuffed It! Quote:
Originally Posted by harrysgurl90 Jayden smiled at the prefect. "Its Jayden but you cn call me Jade." she turned to Rosalie. "I like it." she said smiling. She didnt know who this other Jayden was but if he broke up with a nice girl like the one she was talking to then he was not right in the head.
"Sorry about the break-up." she said trying to make conversation. "Jade, huh?" AJ said smiling, "I like it. But then again, that is my middle name," she said with a laugh. "So, Jade, what year are you?" she said, not really able to think of much else, just wanting to catch up with Rosalie before they graduated. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mafia Leader B Rosalie smiled at AJ's enthusiasm. It was a bit childlike, a lot like Whende, and Rosalie had missed that in people. Her life had been so dramatic in the past months. It would probably do her good to adopt that outlook once in a while.
"I don't know what last you heard. But not much has changed really." She thought, and tried to put words to the readers digest version of her life. "I'm living alone in London right now...well...when I'm not in school." Rosalie stated, not feeling entirely sure she should go on to the next part.
"My Mom, Dad, and Grandma all just went to Azkaban. My dad killed a little girl, and tried to kill her father. He was a former deat eater. Last I heard the man was in Saint Mungo's." Rosalie told her hesitantly. She wasn't proud of any of it, or happy really, but it was certainly a new thing in her life.
"The last I heard from anyone the ministry was looking for a family to take in my little sister Mikaila." She stated, wishing she'd get a chance to meet her finally. "That and I inherited everything of my Grandmother's." That was everything important that had happened in the last few years at least. AJ's mouth fell loose as Rosalie explained things, her eyes softened and her joy disappeared. "Not much!? Rosalie oh my gahd, that's horrible, I'm so sorry!! but why is your mom in Azkaban? Surely she can't be blamed for you fathers actions!!!" she said, moving over a seat and leaning in to give Rosalie a big, sympathetic and loving hug.
She forced a smile on her face, "well we've got something in common, whenever I"m not in school I live at the Leaky Cauldron, can't afford a real home or anything, so yeah..." she trailed off, thinking. "Rosalie, the ministry is looking for a family to pur Mikaila in? You're 17 now, right? You can legally become her guardian, you wouldn't have to be split up, let the ministry know that!" she said, trying to make a bad situation have SOME sort of a positive outlook.
"Well, what kind of everything from your grandmothers?" she asked without thinking, "No, Rosalie, I'm sorry, I shouldn't've asked, I just meant that, if it's like... a house, persay, then do you think I could come stay with you after school gets out, until I figure out what I'm doing with my life?" she asked, seriously not knowing what she's doing after graduation. |