Thread: Harry Potter: Best Kept Secret - Sa16+
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Old 12-22-2007, 09:37 PM   #99 (permalink)
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Lol. Yeah.
Same about Jacob, he really bugged me in the 2nd book but I felt kinda bad and sorry for him in the 3rd book.

Ok, I SOOOO did not mean to time it this way, but it's kinda perfect at the same time.
The next... 3 or so posts are Deanne's Christmas (there's more to it than that obviously, but the next few chapters are centred around the holiday). Man, it's kinda funny it worked out that way...
Anyways, here's an update.

Chapter 13
A Talk with Cody

The next few weeks of November passed by, and the transition into December was simple enough. I suffered through classes, listening to Draco’s occasional comment in Potions and other classes he had been forced to sit next to me in. I swear, he can be nice enough but now he’s going over-the-top. He’s just like all the other guys that swooned over me; a blabbering idiot of a show-off, only he took it to the next level.

Throughout the weeks, Harry and Draco fought for my attention. I’ve never seen either of them so interested in class; they beat Hermione to the answers of questions, for Merlin’s sake! At one point, I found Draco had bought me a bracelet with a small, ruby heart charm along with a bouquet of roses. Little did he know how I felt about the fact it was a heart... I thought it was cute but I didn’t like what the heart symbolized other than love. It meant many things to me, but a heart meant nothing to me.

Harry gave me the courtesy of accompanying me on my first trip to Hogsmeade; I made it clear it was not a date. He showed me around, told me of his adventures in third year when he couldn’t enter Hogsmeade because of a threat that people believed would kill him; he was rather closed mouth about the threat itself though. What was it? Was it a person or a creature? And most of all, why was it believed his life was at stake?

Either way, Hogsmeade was more fun with him there.

The night before we were to leave for the ‘Headquarters’, as Harry called it, I managed to sneak out of the castle undetected. I swiftly made way to the forest, the only noises being movements of creatures within the forest. I followed the noises. They led me through the trails between the lifeless, white trees that shone in the moonlight. I was led to the lake I had been at months before when Harry met my worst nightmare. I saw the outline of a figure in the distance.


I sighed. I now began to wonder why I really came out here.

The figure of Cody suddenly became perfectly clear as he swiftly ran from his location between the trees to the tree closest to the edge of the ice on the opposite end of the lake.

“Come here to kill me?” he asked. I knew he was joking, but it didn’t make me smile. I just looked into his still bright gold eyes, entranced and in deep thought.

“No,” I finally responded.

“To unleash buried anger?”

“No,” I repeated.

“I’m not sure if I believe you’re here just to see me,” he said, a playful smile on his face.

I didn’t understand the change in him. I hadn’t seen his truly light-hearted side in years; I missed it. maybe he knew that. Was he trying to get me back... again?

“Are you staying here over Christmas?”

“Where’re you going?” he pressed.

“That’s what I’m here to tell you... well not exactly, but don’t follow me to where I’m going,” I said, my tone hard. I saw a Malfoy smirk forming on his face.

“What makes you believe that I’d listen to that?”

I sighed. “Well other than it showing you’re a desperate loser, I won’t be afraid to destroy you.”

I heard him chuckle lightly, his smirk disappearing to nothing.

“It’s just two weeks. Can’t you live alone... or without annoying me, for that long?”

“Can you?”

The question took me by surprise. Cody took advantage of this, naturally.

“If you think about it, who’s the one that keeps coming out here?” he pointed out, smiling innocently.

“Who’s the one that’s followed me for years?” I snapped back. “It’s not my fault I come out here, I have reasons that aren’t ‘I have to see you’.”

“But they’re still there, aren’t they?” he countered, still smiling.

I opened my mouth to snap back, but I changed my mind. “Two weeks. If I see you anywhere near where I’m going, I swear...”

“Ok,” he cut in, shrugging. “Can you just do one thing though?”

I glared suspiciously. “What?”


I was taken aback. Why the hell does he want me to smile?


“I just said I’m leaving you alone for two weeks and you can’t even smile at the thought?” he asked in overdramatic shock.

I couldn’t believe it; he actually got me and made me smile. Just when I thought I had figured him out, Cody would surprise me. But I swear, if he doesn't stay away from me during one of the best holidays of the year, I will search through books on the most successful ways to kill a vampire.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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