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600 Years of Diagon Alley CelebrationJoin us this summer in celebrating 600 years of Diagon Alley with a special festival hosted by the Alley's shopkeepers.
As you approach this end of the Alley, you will hear the noises well before you get in sight of a cleared circular space and a colorful sign reading 'Magical BUMPER Cars!'. But these are not your typical bumper cars, oh no. For one thing, these cars are floating about a foot off the ground, for they are powered by, of course, magic!
Get inside one, if you're feeling adventurous, and steer it as best you can at your fellow drivers (but watch out, for they'll be steering at you, too). How do you steer, you ask? Hopefully you've been paying attention in Muggle Studies class, because these cars, though magical, are steered with a good old-fashioned steering wheel. Turn left to go left, right to go right, and hold it steady in the center to go straight ahead. Turn the wheel all the way in either direction, and back you go! And there are the two pedals at the bottom of the car--the pedal on the right makes it go faster and the pedal on the left makes it stop.
And hold on to your hats if someone gets hit, because anything could happen--perhaps it will be a shower of colored sparks shooting over you (perfectly harmless, of course), or perhaps you will be hit by a bushel of feathers. You might find yourself under a magical shower of rain (which dries immediately, leaving the most elaborate hair style unharmed). Perhaps a garden of flowers will sprout around you from the bottom of your car. Whatever it is, it will be both harmless and temporary, so fear not, and start your engines! (And for anyone who gets a little too carried away, be aware that your car might just lose power on its own and sink gently to the floor for a little time out--so no rough stuff!)
OOC: RP your character entering the bumper car and use the steering wheel to steer it. If you try to hit someone, please don't RP the result for them--let your target decide if they got hit and if so, what happened. And remember--play nice! This is all in good fun.
How often was it that V had an opportunity to hit people and not get in trouble for it? Not very often. Not that she was a super violent person or anything, but she definitely would relish the way it felt to just...RUN into someone. And no one could get hurt! It was great! At least...Victoria didn't THINK it would hurt people....these were safe? And protected by magic hopefully?
She waited for her turn to get into a car. They were all full, it seemed, and V wanted to patient...was STRIVING to be patient. But she also was trying to see if any of her friends were here. She knew Lisa and Serena and the others had wanted to come this week, but did they come today?! She hoped so! She strained her neck to seeeeeeee....any familiar faces???
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
How often was it that V had an opportunity to hit people and not get in trouble for it? Not very often. Not that she was a super violent person or anything, but she definitely would relish the way it felt to just...RUN into someone. And no one could get hurt! It was great! At least...Victoria didn't THINK it would hurt people....these were safe? And protected by magic hopefully?
She waited for her turn to get into a car. They were all full, it seemed, and V wanted to patient...was STRIVING to be patient. But she also was trying to see if any of her friends were here. She knew Lisa and Serena and the others had wanted to come this week, but did they come today?! She hoped so! She strained her neck to seeeeeeee....any familiar faces???
This had to be the most immature thing in the entire festival.
It was precisely why Max was standing in line, waiting for his turn to get inside a car. He would be turning thirteen in a few months' time, and then he would certainly be too old for these rides. He figured that he should make the most out of the last pre-teen summer he had, by doing as many childish things as possible.
So he waited, his blank expression making him look uninterested even though he was quite excited. He liked flying, and since the cars were floating, he thought it would be more fun than normal bumper cars. Hey, they would all be human Bludgers trying to hit one another! Just as the thought crossed his mind and a small smirk breached his lips, he realised that he recognised the person standing in front of him. Max did the first thing any extreme introvert would do in these situations - shifting slightly so that he was facing away from his classmate, he pulled his hat lower over his eyes and hoped that he would not be spoken to.
This had to be the most immature thing in the entire festival.
It was precisely why Max was standing in line, waiting for his turn to get inside a car. He would be turning thirteen in a few months' time, and then he would certainly be too old for these rides. He figured that he should make the most out of the last pre-teen summer he had, by doing as many childish things as possible.
So he waited, his blank expression making him look uninterested even though he was quite excited. He liked flying, and since the cars were floating, he thought it would be more fun than normal bumper cars. Hey, they would all be human Bludgers trying to hit one another! Just as the thought crossed his mind and a small smirk breached his lips, he realised that he recognised the person standing in front of him. Max did the first thing any extreme introvert would do in these situations - shifting slightly so that he was facing away from his classmate, he pulled his hat lower over his eyes and hoped that he would not be spoken to.
She felt someone get in line behind her, and soon she looked over her shoulder, realized she couldn't really tell who it was, and turned to her side so she could CASUALLY try to get a peek at if he was a familiar face or not.
V was disappointed to see it wasn't either of them, but instead a boy who was familiar. "You won't be able to see where you're going if you keep your hat like that, you know," she said with a flip of her hair behind her shoulder. His hopes of not being spoken to weren't going well, but Victoria had not, at least, recognized him yet.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
The whole celebration event in Diagon Alley was AMAZING. She had tried games and more! She was having a complete ball. Of course, it got even more exciting when she discovered what came next.
Lisa *G A S P E D!* when she saw the Bumper Cars ahead of the Nam siblings and then turned to look at them. "Guys! Guys! We HAVE to go try the Bumper Cars," she bounced from foot to foot in her bright sparkly pink converse. Yes, she had traded in her gumboots (which had unfortunately gotten chewed out by the family dog) and thus had upgraded to her new converse. The footwear had to be pink. It was a Lisa Nam trademark.
She may have been twelve (and taller - she was now a whopping 4'10) which inherently meant she had to be oh so much more mature (psh... NAH not even!) but the sight of Bumper Cars made her go bananas. Maturity was thrown at the window. Lisa wanted to get to the front of the line. She impatiently tugged at one of her sibling's hands again. "Let's go!! Before the queue gets too long!" she cried as she waved her sibling's hand as if she were doing the wave with her whole body. She had yet to notice two friends already up in the queue already (V and Max) but once she realized it was them, she'd become even MORE excited.
Then again... perhaps she shouldn't have downed a whole bag of sweets before arriving at the celebration?
This celebration event at Diagon Alley looked pretty awesome and he was glad he'd asked Phoebe to go with him. This seemed like something they'd both really enjoy and he'd had a busy summer doing lots of fun things already. Which was exactly the way it should be the summer before seventh year. And it happened to be the way it was when you had two girlfriends - which wasn't exactly an official term, but it was the way Morgan saw it. He also thought it was very important that he divide his time equally and give each girl his undivided attention when he was with one of them. So, it was a busy but really fun summer. And the DA celebration fit right smack in the middle of it all.
"Oh, hey! Bumper cars! Want to go for a drive?" Morgan turned to Phoebe with a grin, his hand in hers tugging her towards the ride. He could hear the exciting sounds coming from it before they even got there so of course it got his attention. But once they were in front of it, it looked even better. He leaned against the railing for a moment, watching as people already in it bumped into each other. Floating cars and magical explosions, what could be better?
"Same car or should we each get our own?" he asked Phoebe. Morgan could see a good reason for either, so he'd let her decide.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
The whole celebration event in Diagon Alley was AMAZING. She had tried games and more! She was having a complete ball. Of course, it got even more exciting when she discovered what came next.
Lisa *G A S P E D!* when she saw the Bumper Cars ahead of the Nam siblings and then turned to look at them. "Guys! Guys! We HAVE to go try the Bumper Cars," she bounced from foot to foot in her bright sparkly pink converse. Yes, she had traded in her gumboots (which had unfortunately gotten chewed out by the family dog) and thus had upgraded to her new converse. The footwear had to be pink. It was a Lisa Nam trademark.
She may have been twelve (and taller - she was now a whopping 4'10) which inherently meant she had to be oh so much more mature (psh... NAH not even!) but the sight of Bumper Cars made her go bananas. Maturity was thrown at the window. Lisa wanted to get to the front of the line. She impatiently tugged at one of her sibling's hands again. "Let's go!! Before the queue gets too long!" she cried as she waved her sibling's hand as if she were doing the wave with her whole body. She had yet to notice two friends already up in the queue already (V and Max) but once she realized it was them, she'd become even MORE excited.
Then again... perhaps she shouldn't have downed a whole bag of sweets before arriving at the celebration?
The Diagon Alley event was really cool. Evan had seen some people from school he probably would not have run into otherwise, and even met a few others. The food was also really good, and he found he was unable to stop himself from continually going back to the Food Stands in order to get a refill on his Fizzing Lemonade. Which he was getting low on, so he'd probably steal away to fill up the cup attached to his neck via lanyard after the next attraction.
Which... based on the loud noises from his youngest sister, she had now found what that attraction was going to be. Bumper cars? His body almost hurt now just thinking about it. And staring at people already enjoying the attraction, this one - like most magic events - had a twist on it. He nearly wanted to groan and bow out of the idea, but as per his usual he was powerless to say no to a sibling. Especially when Lisa was this excited. "Okay. Let's do the bumper cards. You in Maya?" He turned his attention to her.
He didn't have much time to wait for her reply though, before Lisa was TUGGING on his arm and waving it around. Luckily, he'd learned long ago the best protection for his body was to be a limp noodle for moments such as this. So there was no resistance from him. Though he could only imagine how silly they looked to onlookers, as he had also hit a growth spurt from end of term and beginning of summer and now sat at 5'6, with his tiny sister looking like a madman beside him. This was normal to him though. There wasn't even a flinch. "Okay, okay. We'll go." And because he didn't want to lose Maya either, he reached back and attempted to grab her hand as well so that both were pulled along by the Tiny Tornado Nam.
"It doesn't look that bad yet though."
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by emjay
This celebration event at Diagon Alley looked pretty awesome and he was glad he'd asked Phoebe to go with him. This seemed like something they'd both really enjoy and he'd had a busy summer doing lots of fun things already. Which was exactly the way it should be the summer before seventh year. And it happened to be the way it was when you had two girlfriends - which wasn't exactly an official term, but it was the way Morgan saw it. He also thought it was very important that he divide his time equally and give each girl his undivided attention when he was with one of them. So, it was a busy but really fun summer. And the DA celebration fit right smack in the middle of it all.
"Oh, hey! Bumper cars! Want to go for a drive?" Morgan turned to Phoebe with a grin, his hand in hers tugging her towards the ride. He could hear the exciting sounds coming from it before they even got there so of course it got his attention. But once they were in front of it, it looked even better. He leaned against the railing for a moment, watching as people already in it bumped into each other. Floating cars and magical explosions, what could be better?
"Same car or should we each get our own?" he asked Phoebe. Morgan could see a good reason for either, so he'd let her decide.
Phoebe had been keeping herself super busy this summer, but she always had time for Morgan. She'd move whole blocks of activities around for him. Cancel plans and everything. She tucked in close to Morgan's side and peered at the floating cars flying around and careening off each other. It looked dangerous and exciting, which was the very definition of an adventure.
"I think we should try that, yes," Phoebe had her eye on a zipply looking red car, but she'd let Morgan choose, if it mattered all that much to him. "And much as I'd like to take you out with my car, I think we should share. Get to bicker about asking for directions, I'll tell you that you're going too fast, and you'll tell me I'm hitting the brake too hard. I've been reading up on Muggle cars." She kissed his jaw before releasing him.
She felt someone get in line behind her, and soon she looked over her shoulder, realized she couldn't really tell who it was, and turned to her side so she could CASUALLY try to get a peek at if he was a familiar face or not.
V was disappointed to see it wasn't either of them, but instead a boy who was familiar. "You won't be able to see where you're going if you keep your hat like that, you know," she said with a flip of her hair behind her shoulder. His hopes of not being spoken to weren't going well, but Victoria had not, at least, recognized him yet.
... and he was being spoken to. Max considered ignoring her, but remembered what his ma told him about having to socialise watch out for suspicious people - hooded clothes, evasive answers, etc. And he thought about how he would look like to a stranger if he kept his hat low and refused to respond. He did NOT want to look suspicious! He was a perfectly normal person who could even be nice if he tried! So the twelve-year-old lifted his hat slightly again, so that he was now looking at the Slytherin.
According to his algorithm, two possible scenarios could follow: 1) she recognises him, or 2) she does not. Although the latter would yield a higher probability of them not talking and him feeling at ease as a result, he was not sure if he preferred that option. After all, they did attend the same school for an entire year. His dislike of being in the spotlight did not mean that he really wanted to be invisible. Max decided to take a chance and - surprise! - start small talk. "Oh ... hi. You go to Hogwarts, right?"
The whole celebration event in Diagon Alley was AMAZING. She had tried games and more! She was having a complete ball. Of course, it got even more exciting when she discovered what came next.
Lisa *G A S P E D!* when she saw the Bumper Cars ahead of the Nam siblings and then turned to look at them. "Guys! Guys! We HAVE to go try the Bumper Cars," she bounced from foot to foot in her bright sparkly pink converse. Yes, she had traded in her gumboots (which had unfortunately gotten chewed out by the family dog) and thus had upgraded to her new converse. The footwear had to be pink. It was a Lisa Nam trademark.
She may have been twelve (and taller - she was now a whopping 4'10) which inherently meant she had to be oh so much more mature (psh... NAH not even!) but the sight of Bumper Cars made her go bananas. Maturity was thrown at the window. Lisa wanted to get to the front of the line. She impatiently tugged at one of her sibling's hands again. "Let's go!! Before the queue gets too long!" she cried as she waved her sibling's hand as if she were doing the wave with her whole body. She had yet to notice two friends already up in the queue already (V and Max) but once she realized it was them, she'd become even MORE excited.
Then again... perhaps she shouldn't have downed a whole bag of sweets before arriving at the celebration?
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
The Diagon Alley event was really cool. Evan had seen some people from school he probably would not have run into otherwise, and even met a few others. The food was also really good, and he found he was unable to stop himself from continually going back to the Food Stands in order to get a refill on his Fizzing Lemonade. Which he was getting low on, so he'd probably steal away to fill up the cup attached to his neck via lanyard after the next attraction.
Which... based on the loud noises from his youngest sister, she had now found what that attraction was going to be. Bumper cars? His body almost hurt now just thinking about it. And staring at people already enjoying the attraction, this one - like most magic events - had a twist on it. He nearly wanted to groan and bow out of the idea, but as per his usual he was powerless to say no to a sibling. Especially when Lisa was this excited. "Okay. Let's do the bumper cards. You in Maya?" He turned his attention to her.
He didn't have much time to wait for her reply though, before Lisa was TUGGING on his arm and waving it around. Luckily, he'd learned long ago the best protection for his body was to be a limp noodle for moments such as this. So there was no resistance from him. Though he could only imagine how silly they looked to onlookers, as he had also hit a growth spurt from end of term and beginning of summer and now sat at 5'6, with his tiny sister looking like a madman beside him. This was normal to him though. There wasn't even a flinch. "Okay, okay. We'll go." And because he didn't want to lose Maya either, he reached back and attempted to grab her hand as well so that both were pulled along by the Tiny Tornado Nam.
"It doesn't look that bad yet though."
Maya would've preferred to stay in today - thanks to their parents' credit card and the internet, a rather large box of books was expected to be delivered today. She had been looking forward to watching the mailman drop the parcel off... then bring it inside... and then open it and get lost in them.
But when Lisa said she wanted to go to the Diagon Alley event, how was she supposed to say no? Once she got there, her eyes were as wide as saucers. Even though she had been at Hogwarts the last two years, seeing this stuff was new to her. Maya made sure she stayed close to her siblings so no one would get lost. With how crowded it was, she would not be surprised if they lost Lisa, though Evan had grown quite a bit so she was sure she would be able to find him.
When Maya heard the excited gasp come from the youngest Nam, she immediately focused her attention and saw the bumper cars. "Um... sure?" she replied to Evan with a slight shrug of her shoulders. She had a feeling if she said no, that wasn't an acceptable answer. And at least it wasn't her arm practically being ripped out of its socket by Lisa. She held onto Evan's hand, making sure she didn't get left behind. "Person who gets bumped the most buys ice cream afterwards," she added, a small smirk crossing her face.
With a better view of the bumper cars, she wondered what exactly made them magical - other than them hovering slightly above the ground. "Hey Lees, do you need help getting into one?"
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Phoebe had been keeping herself super busy this summer, but she always had time for Morgan. She'd move whole blocks of activities around for him. Cancel plans and everything. She tucked in close to Morgan's side and peered at the floating cars flying around and careening off each other. It looked dangerous and exciting, which was the very definition of an adventure.
"I think we should try that, yes," Phoebe had her eye on a zipply looking red car, but she'd let Morgan choose, if it mattered all that much to him. "And much as I'd like to take you out with my car, I think we should share. Get to bicker about asking for directions, I'll tell you that you're going too fast, and you'll tell me I'm hitting the brake too hard. I've been reading up on Muggle cars." She kissed his jaw before releasing him.
"I'm picking the car, though!"
Awesome! Morgan figured Phoebe would be very receptive to the idea of magical bumper cars, and so he was rather pleased when she agreed. He chuckled at the thought of the sort of vicious competition she described, but he was cool with sharing too. "Too fast? No such thing," he grinned in jest. "My parents have a real Muggle car, you know." So he knew about those things too. "Maybe one day I'll take you for a ride in it." Of course, he had to get his license first. Or a motorcycle. He really wanted one of those.
"Okay, lead the way!" Morgan was happy to allow Phoebe to pick the car. They were all cool to him. "Wait, who's driving?" Or were they taking turns?
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
... and he was being spoken to. Max considered ignoring her, but remembered what his ma told him about having to socialise watch out for suspicious people - hooded clothes, evasive answers, etc. And he thought about how he would look like to a stranger if he kept his hat low and refused to respond. He did NOT want to look suspicious! He was a perfectly normal person who could even be nice if he tried! So the twelve-year-old lifted his hat slightly again, so that he was now looking at the Slytherin.
According to his algorithm, two possible scenarios could follow: 1) she recognises him, or 2) she does not. Although the latter would yield a higher probability of them not talking and him feeling at ease as a result, he was not sure if he preferred that option. After all, they did attend the same school for an entire year. His dislike of being in the spotlight did not mean that he really wanted to be invisible. Max decided to take a chance and - surprise! - start small talk. "Oh ... hi. You go to Hogwarts, right?"
Ah, he DID have eyes. That was good to know. And she was glad he had eyes, because otherwise he would be really bad at bumper cars unless he had, like SUPER senses or something else that would aid him. She supposed magic could aid, too, but surely he couldn't use magic during the summer because he was HER age. Unless using magic in the Alley was allowed? WAS IT? V would have to ask her dad. She was sure she had seen kids her age do magic here before... *EYES EMOJI*
Ummm. "Yeah, I do. Now that I can see your FACE I think I know who you are." She nodded, all sure and whatnot. "Matt. Your name is totally Matt." V smirked smugly as she wiggled her eyebrows at him.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Looking extra baby-faced young today (because he had remembered to shave) Kalen had suggested he and Anna go check out the Diagon Alley celebration. It was summer. He had decided to take the summer semester off so he and Anna could spend more time together since she wasn't as busy with Quidditch and he wasn't busy being a giant chicken. In fact, it had been his idea to check out the bumper cars. But that was before he had heard the noises. With each step closer, Kalen wondered what he had gotten himself into. In fact, the last few steps were Anna tugging him along. Clearly she was excited, Kalen thought and why wouldn't' she be? Bumper cars were competitive, even if there was no prize for knocking people around.
"Are you sure this is safe?" he asked, looking around. Merlin's underpants, they were the oldest people here weren't they? These kids were going to eat them alive. "You know I'm rubbish as flying things." And he had a small phobia of heights, not that he would admit it. "Maybe we should go check out the food instead." Yes food! Anna loved her foods.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by emjay
Awesome! Morgan figured Phoebe would be very receptive to the idea of magical bumper cars, and so he was rather pleased when she agreed. He chuckled at the thought of the sort of vicious competition she described, but he was cool with sharing too. "Too fast? No such thing," he grinned in jest. "My parents have a real Muggle car, you know." So he knew about those things too. "Maybe one day I'll take you for a ride in it." Of course, he had to get his license first. Or a motorcycle. He really wanted one of those.
"Okay, lead the way!" Morgan was happy to allow Phoebe to pick the car. They were all cool to him. "Wait, who's driving?" Or were they taking turns?
"A real car? And here I'm showing off pretending to know how maps and steering wheels work. I think... that you should get your license, and we should plan a post-graduation road trip. Kale and Cece and... who else? It'll be a blast." They could just pick some crazy series of destinations and eat terrible food in the middle of the night and see the world.
Maybe that was too bold to ask?
Phoebe pointed out the red zippy car she'd spotted earlier, and she dropped Morgan's hand to climb inside. "We can fight over the wheel, MoMac. That'll be even more death-defying, won't it? I'm swerving to take out those kids, and you're trying to mow down old people, and we just run into a wall!"
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
SPOILER!!: Why do i see the Nam's going to Disney World and having matching shirts xD
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
The Diagon Alley event was really cool. Evan had seen some people from school he probably would not have run into otherwise, and even met a few others. The food was also really good, and he found he was unable to stop himself from continually going back to the Food Stands in order to get a refill on his Fizzing Lemonade. Which he was getting low on, so he'd probably steal away to fill up the cup attached to his neck via lanyard after the next attraction.
Which... based on the loud noises from his youngest sister, she had now found what that attraction was going to be. Bumper cars? His body almost hurt now just thinking about it. And staring at people already enjoying the attraction, this one - like most magic events - had a twist on it. He nearly wanted to groan and bow out of the idea, but as per his usual he was powerless to say no to a sibling. Especially when Lisa was this excited. "Okay. Let's do the bumper cards. You in Maya?" He turned his attention to her.
He didn't have much time to wait for her reply though, before Lisa was TUGGING on his arm and waving it around. Luckily, he'd learned long ago the best protection for his body was to be a limp noodle for moments such as this. So there was no resistance from him. Though he could only imagine how silly they looked to onlookers, as he had also hit a growth spurt from end of term and beginning of summer and now sat at 5'6, with his tiny sister looking like a madman beside him. This was normal to him though. There wasn't even a flinch. "Okay, okay. We'll go." And because he didn't want to lose Maya either, he reached back and attempted to grab her hand as well so that both were pulled along by the Tiny Tornado Nam.
"It doesn't look that bad yet though."
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Maya would've preferred to stay in today - thanks to their parents' credit card and the internet, a rather large box of books was expected to be delivered today. She had been looking forward to watching the mailman drop the parcel off... then bring it inside... and then open it and get lost in them.
But when Lisa said she wanted to go to the Diagon Alley event, how was she supposed to say no? Once she got there, her eyes were as wide as saucers. Even though she had been at Hogwarts the last two years, seeing this stuff was new to her. Maya made sure she stayed close to her siblings so no one would get lost. With how crowded it was, she would not be surprised if they lost Lisa, though Evan had grown quite a bit so she was sure she would be able to find him.
When Maya heard the excited gasp come from the youngest Nam, she immediately focused her attention and saw the bumper cars. "Um... sure?" she replied to Evan with a slight shrug of her shoulders. She had a feeling if she said no, that wasn't an acceptable answer. And at least it wasn't her arm practically being ripped out of its socket by Lisa. She held onto Evan's hand, making sure she didn't get left behind. "Person who gets bumped the most buys ice cream afterwards," she added, a small smirk crossing her face.
With a better view of the bumper cars, she wondered what exactly made them magical - other than them hovering slightly above the ground. "Hey Lees, do you need help getting into one?"
Rule Number 1 of hanging with the Youngest Nam: Never ever ever say no. Lisa had taught Noah this lesson from an early age causing the eldest Nam to be wrapped around his little sister's tiny pinky. Lisa had known it from a young age that her eldest brother was very compliant. It was his personality - sweet, kind Noah who didn't want to cause trouble or bend the rules too much. Unfortunately her brother did not come with them today (he had to work - EW) buuuuuut she still had Maya and Evan who were with her. Maya, like Noah, was much easier to convince of things; however, Evan was the strongest at resisting her ways in reality - she just didn't know how to read her brother's deadpan face. He just gave her a deadpan expression and Lisa had yet to figure out just how EXACTLY to get past that.
Mark her words. She'd figure it out! Or so she swore to it on Dumbledore's polka dot stockings... er.. Dumbledore didn't have polka dot stockings.
Tiny Tornado Nam finally gave up on wiggling Evan's arm spastically when ice cream was mentioned. She kind of just stopped and her eyes grew as wide as saucers at the proposal. Hehe. Excellent. "I'm in! Ice cream it is. Deal!" she beamed and waited for their turn to get into the bumper car arena.
She was ever so slightly offended at the offer to help her get into a bumper car but once she eyed the cars one more time, she looked to Maya and nodded thrice. She meekly whispered. "Yes, please but don't TELL anyone." Especially any of her friends. She didn't want to appear lame. She was just tiny and sometimes being small was a struggle.
"A real car? And here I'm showing off pretending to know how maps and steering wheels work. I think... that you should get your license, and we should plan a post-graduation road trip. Kale and Cece and... who else? It'll be a blast." They could just pick some crazy series of destinations and eat terrible food in the middle of the night and see the world.
Maybe that was too bold to ask?
Phoebe pointed out the red zippy car she'd spotted earlier, and she dropped Morgan's hand to climb inside. "We can fight over the wheel, MoMac. That'll be even more death-defying, won't it? I'm swerving to take out those kids, and you're trying to mow down old people, and we just run into a wall!"
"Yeah, that'd be awesome!" Morgan nodded his agreement, already thinking about post-graduation road trips and parties. "A whole year will be plenty of time to get my license... or!" Hear him out. "A motorcycle!" That's where his heart really lay. Though even he knew that wouldn't be feasible for all their friends to go on a road trip. "Or maybe we can get one of those party busses and invite all our friends." That sounded even cooler.
Morgan followed Phoebe into the red car - best choice, by the way - and casual slung an arm over her shoulders as he fit himself in next to her. "Sounds good to me... we take out everyone, right? And if we hit the wall... well.. it's just part of the fun." He was sure they'd survive.
And since the car began to hover above the ground almost immediately after they sat down, Morgan figured they could get started. "I think this one's the gas," he said, quite knowledgeable about cars at least in his own mind, and stepped hard on the accelerator, sending their car racing.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Now THIS was right up her alley.
Her Diagon Alley?
...Nah. That was pretty bad. Anyway.
MAGICAL BUMPER CARS. This was her jam.
With her mother off with her dumb boyfriend - major eyeroll that they were back together again - Sera was free to hop into an empty car. These things were already fun in the Muggle world, so add magic onto it? Imagine the chaos! The excitement!
Assuming they weren't charmed to be super boring and safe.
This fourteen-year-old was more than willing to test the limits.
Now...who to bump into first?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Ah, he DID have eyes. That was good to know. And she was glad he had eyes, because otherwise he would be really bad at bumper cars unless he had, like SUPER senses or something else that would aid him. She supposed magic could aid, too, but surely he couldn't use magic during the summer because he was HER age. Unless using magic in the Alley was allowed? WAS IT? V would have to ask her dad. She was sure she had seen kids her age do magic here before... *EYES EMOJI*
Ummm. "Yeah, I do. Now that I can see your FACE I think I know who you are." She nodded, all sure and whatnot. "Matt. Your name is totally Matt." V smirked smugly as she wiggled her eyebrows at him.
Max was SO tempted to use magic over the holidays. He had read up on the law against underage magic and learned that he would not be punished for performing spells in the vicinity of adult witches and wizards, because the Ministry would not be able to determine who really did it. Diagon Alley was perfect, since it was always full of adults that he could blame if he was caught. Anyway, the point was that he did not need magic at the moment due to his hat no longer blocking his vision.
Sense of relief at being recognised was quickly replaced by confusion. Ummm. Why was she so sure that his name was Matt? Why was she smirking and wiggling her eyebrows? (Eyebrow wiggles were absolutely the most difficult gesture to interpret.) Wait, was she making fun of him for some reason? The black-haired boy shook his head once. "It's Max. Your name ... starts with a V." Or was that it? V? So many questions in this paragraph.
Looking extra baby-faced young today (because he had remembered to shave) Kalen had suggested he and Anna go check out the Diagon Alley celebration. It was summer. He had decided to take the summer semester off so he and Anna could spend more time together since she wasn't as busy with Quidditch and he wasn't busy being a giant chicken. In fact, it had been his idea to check out the bumper cars. But that was before he had heard the noises. With each step closer, Kalen wondered what he had gotten himself into. In fact, the last few steps were Anna tugging him along. Clearly she was excited, Kalen thought and why wouldn't' she be? Bumper cars were competitive, even if there was no prize for knocking people around.
"Are you sure this is safe?" he asked, looking around. Merlin's underpants, they were the oldest people here weren't they? These kids were going to eat them alive. "You know I'm rubbish as flying things." And he had a small phobia of heights, not that he would admit it. "Maybe we should go check out the food instead." Yes food! Anna loved her foods.
"You're cute." Anna said with an amused grin when they finally reached the bumper cars. "You think I'd let you fly one of those if I didn't think they were safe?" She added jokingly as they watched children drive the magical cars. Kalen had nothing to worry about! Aaand regarding his being bad at flying things. "It's just a foot off the ground, you'll be fiiiine!" She added, rubbing his back reassuringly even though she still had a smirky-grin on her face.
He was cute, did he know?
Food!? "Sound good, but nooooo, we'll do this first! Work our appetite, y'know??" She beamed, tugging him towards one of the cars and basically sitting him down and fastening his seat belt for him. "Be safe!" She winked and gave him a quick kiss before darting off to take her own bumper car.
No time to waste! Time for some crashing, woooooo!
Her first target? Why, Kalen, of course. Not only because he was there with her, but well, most of the other people there looked younger than them, Anna didn't want to scare them off or anything.
She'd be keeping an eye out to see if any of those kids acted Gryffindor-like so she knew she was okay to go and hit them too, teehee. But for now: the boyfriend!
SPOILER!!: Matching shirts sounds about right. But would they stop there and would it be matching EVERYTHING?
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Maya would've preferred to stay in today - thanks to their parents' credit card and the internet, a rather large box of books was expected to be delivered today. She had been looking forward to watching the mailman drop the parcel off... then bring it inside... and then open it and get lost in them.
But when Lisa said she wanted to go to the Diagon Alley event, how was she supposed to say no? Once she got there, her eyes were as wide as saucers. Even though she had been at Hogwarts the last two years, seeing this stuff was new to her. Maya made sure she stayed close to her siblings so no one would get lost. With how crowded it was, she would not be surprised if they lost Lisa, though Evan had grown quite a bit so she was sure she would be able to find him.
When Maya heard the excited gasp come from the youngest Nam, she immediately focused her attention and saw the bumper cars. "Um... sure?" she replied to Evan with a slight shrug of her shoulders. She had a feeling if she said no, that wasn't an acceptable answer. And at least it wasn't her arm practically being ripped out of its socket by Lisa. She held onto Evan's hand, making sure she didn't get left behind. "Person who gets bumped the most buys ice cream afterwards," she added, a small smirk crossing her face.
With a better view of the bumper cars, she wondered what exactly made them magical - other than them hovering slightly above the ground. "Hey Lees, do you need help getting into one?"
Originally Posted by Watson
SPOILER!!: Why do i see the Nam's going to Disney World and having matching shirts xD
Rule Number 1 of hanging with the Youngest Nam: Never ever ever say no. Lisa had taught Noah this lesson from an early age causing the eldest Nam to be wrapped around his little sister's tiny pinky. Lisa had known it from a young age that her eldest brother was very compliant. It was his personality - sweet, kind Noah who didn't want to cause trouble or bend the rules too much. Unfortunately her brother did not come with them today (he had to work - EW) buuuuuut she still had Maya and Evan who were with her. Maya, like Noah, was much easier to convince of things; however, Evan was the strongest at resisting her ways in reality - she just didn't know how to read her brother's deadpan face. He just gave her a deadpan expression and Lisa had yet to figure out just how EXACTLY to get past that.
Mark her words. She'd figure it out! Or so she swore to it on Dumbledore's polka dot stockings... er.. Dumbledore didn't have polka dot stockings.
Tiny Tornado Nam finally gave up on wiggling Evan's arm spastically when ice cream was mentioned. She kind of just stopped and her eyes grew as wide as saucers at the proposal. Hehe. Excellent. "I'm in! Ice cream it is. Deal!" she beamed and waited for their turn to get into the bumper car arena.
She was ever so slightly offended at the offer to help her get into a bumper car but once she eyed the cars one more time, she looked to Maya and nodded thrice. She meekly whispered. "Yes, please but don't TELL anyone." Especially any of her friends. She didn't want to appear lame. She was just tiny and sometimes being small was a struggle.
"What coloured Bumper Car do you want?"
Evan would have accepted the answer no, but it was no secret Lisa would not have. They didn't really exercise that word a lot with her anyways. It's not like she asked for a lot of super FAR FETCHED or dangerous things, so what did it really hurt to say yes to make her happy? Besides, most of the time they NEEDED to go do the things she wanted to do in order to get some of the Lisa energy out. It was truly for the sanity of all involved. Like bumper cars would probably tire her out at least a little. And then he could probably get both of them to agree to Food Stands for lemonade.
He squeezed her hand at the thank you for also agreeing, and considered her offer of bet. Ice cream had to be purchased by the winner? Well that was fine, Appa and Eomma had sent them with plenty. Did they need more sugar? Probably not. But this was like a fair, a fun event, so extra sugar was to be expected. Though they'd probably all be sick tomorrow. "Is this how many times Nam siblings can hit each other or are we including hits by other patrons as well?" Because there was an adult in there looking like she was out for blood.
His arm was released from it's imprisonment from the smallest of them, and Evan rotated his shoulder once just to loosen it back up. It wasn't long before it was their turn, and he moved aside so Maya could help Lisa while he looked at the bumper cars. "I don't mind on color. So you guys can choose first." He'd just climb into whatever was left over.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by emjay
"Yeah, that'd be awesome!" Morgan nodded his agreement, already thinking about post-graduation road trips and parties. "A whole year will be plenty of time to get my license... or!" Hear him out. "A motorcycle!" That's where his heart really lay. Though even he knew that wouldn't be feasible for all their friends to go on a road trip. "Or maybe we can get one of those party busses and invite all our friends." That sounded even cooler.
Morgan followed Phoebe into the red car - best choice, by the way - and casual slung an arm over her shoulders as he fit himself in next to her. "Sounds good to me... we take out everyone, right? And if we hit the wall... well.. it's just part of the fun." He was sure they'd survive.
And since the car began to hover above the ground almost immediately after they sat down, Morgan figured they could get started. "I think this one's the gas," he said, quite knowledgeable about cars at least in his own mind, and stepped hard on the accelerator, sending their car racing.
"A motorcycle only fits one person. Or maybe two if they like each other enough to share a seat." Not that she was complaining, but if Morgan wanted to take her on a motorcycle trip, then that was like... a decision. If he really did want a trip like that... "I'd like that. But a bus is fun too. Maybe it becomes a bit more party and a bit less travel, but sounds fun. We'll get Auggie to pay for it."
Phoebe crashed into Morgan when he stepped on the gas, and she scrabbled for something to hold onto. His arm, the wheel, both. It spun easily at her touch, much more sensitive than she would have expected, and the car veered sharply in her direction. "Watch out! The Red Hornet is going to stiiiiing all of you!" Under her breath, she added, "No, horrible name. Red Death. Red... Thunder. Dead Red Head."
SPOILER!!: they would 10000000% have matching ears. i can imagine light up sneakers too & balloons tied to Lisa so they don't lose her LOL
Originally Posted by Watson
Rule Number 1 of hanging with the Youngest Nam: Never ever ever say no. Lisa had taught Noah this lesson from an early age causing the eldest Nam to be wrapped around his little sister's tiny pinky. Lisa had known it from a young age that her eldest brother was very compliant. It was his personality - sweet, kind Noah who didn't want to cause trouble or bend the rules too much. Unfortunately her brother did not come with them today (he had to work - EW) buuuuuut she still had Maya and Evan who were with her. Maya, like Noah, was much easier to convince of things; however, Evan was the strongest at resisting her ways in reality - she just didn't know how to read her brother's deadpan face. He just gave her a deadpan expression and Lisa had yet to figure out just how EXACTLY to get past that.
Mark her words. She'd figure it out! Or so she swore to it on Dumbledore's polka dot stockings... er.. Dumbledore didn't have polka dot stockings.
Tiny Tornado Nam finally gave up on wiggling Evan's arm spastically when ice cream was mentioned. She kind of just stopped and her eyes grew as wide as saucers at the proposal. Hehe. Excellent. "I'm in! Ice cream it is. Deal!" she beamed and waited for their turn to get into the bumper car arena.
She was ever so slightly offended at the offer to help her get into a bumper car but once she eyed the cars one more time, she looked to Maya and nodded thrice. She meekly whispered. "Yes, please but don't TELL anyone." Especially any of her friends. She didn't want to appear lame. She was just tiny and sometimes being small was a struggle.
"What coloured Bumper Car do you want?"
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Evan would have accepted the answer no, but it was no secret Lisa would not have. They didn't really exercise that word a lot with her anyways. It's not like she asked for a lot of super FAR FETCHED or dangerous things, so what did it really hurt to say yes to make her happy? Besides, most of the time they NEEDED to go do the things she wanted to do in order to get some of the Lisa energy out. It was truly for the sanity of all involved. Like bumper cars would probably tire her out at least a little. And then he could probably get both of them to agree to Food Stands for lemonade.
He squeezed her hand at the thank you for also agreeing, and considered her offer of bet. Ice cream had to be purchased by the winner? Well that was fine, Appa and Eomma had sent them with plenty. Did they need more sugar? Probably not. But this was like a fair, a fun event, so extra sugar was to be expected. Though they'd probably all be sick tomorrow. "Is this how many times Nam siblings can hit each other or are we including hits by other patrons as well?" Because there was an adult in there looking like she was out for blood.
His arm was released from it's imprisonment from the smallest of them, and Evan rotated his shoulder once just to loosen it back up. It wasn't long before it was their turn, and he moved aside so Maya could help Lisa while he looked at the bumper cars. "I don't mind on color. So you guys can choose first." He'd just climb into whatever was left over.
When Evan squeezed her hand, she gave him a slight nod of her head with a smile. It was their duty to look after the youngest in the Nam clan. ? Even if it meant being dragged left and right through the entire festival. Maya wouldn't have it in her to say no to Lisa anyways. Her younger sister may have better puppy dog eyes than the family dog when he was looking for a treat. That and it wouldn't exactly benefit Maya to say no to Lisa - it may result in them relentlessly playing tricks on each other until they called in even.
She was grateful to see that Lisa had decided to stop mauling their brother's arm. Though it had been quite a sight. She looked around the space, observing the others, all while pondering Evan's question. "1 point for hitting other patrons, 2 points for hitting each other," Maya decided. She had a feeling her siblings were going to be quite sneaky with this game... or maybe just Lisa.
"I want a blue one!" Maya exclaimed, almost running over to it. She waited, of course and looked at Lisa with a warm smile. "Hey Lees, why don't you pick first?" And then quietly she whispered back, "C'mon let's get you in one before anyone sees."
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Ooh... wicked magical bumpers cars! If they were anything like the muggle ones this was going to be fun. Tadhg was learning muggle things due to reading and tsking muggle studies at Hogwarts which did him a lot of good. Okay... most Purebloods would argue that they didn't need fo learn muggle ways, but he rather that he did cause who knew there could be some weird thing that happened to where they're all magic leas or so. Okay... he was watching too many virus zombie movies lately, but who knew wifh all the crazy stuff that been happening. Although he didn't remember much about last term it wasn't bad,
Waiting in line for his turn he looked around fof his Bubbles and his beautiful blue eyed girlfriend in the crowd that was walking around. Biting his lip he ran his hand through his hair sighing in defeat. He hasn't seen her since she visited in Ireland and he basically been there all summer almost. He missed her like crazy along with his other friends. Moving along in the line he smiled as he gotten closer to the front of the line.
He was ready to have some fun and get sprayed with whatever it was that was going to come out when he got bumped into. Seeing all the different stuff that sprayed or came out he laughed watching. It just made him more excited to get on the ride and experience it himself. He seen that you could ride with someone else, he frowned thinking about riding with Lia and then again by themselves if she wanted to but she wasn't here.
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
free to collide with ^_^
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
"Bumper Cars! SWEET" Freddie exclaimed.
This was already becoming the best summer ever as he raced ahead of his family to jump into one of the cars. He just had to start it up and get revving right? A grin remained on his face as he stepped on the pedal and began turning the wheel to pull out.
Hey, was that some of his classmates? He squinted ahead. Looks like the fun was just beginning.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Ooh... wicked magical bumpers cars! If they were anything like the muggle ones this was going to be fun. Tadhg was learning muggle things due to reading and tsking muggle studies at Hogwarts which did him a lot of good. Okay... most Purebloods would argue that they didn't need fo learn muggle ways, but he rather that he did cause who knew there could be some weird thing that happened to where they're all magic leas or so. Okay... he was watching too many virus zombie movies lately, but who knew wifh all the crazy stuff that been happening. Although he didn't remember much about last term it wasn't bad,
Waiting in line for his turn he looked around fof his Bubbles and his beautiful blue eyed girlfriend in the crowd that was walking around. Biting his lip he ran his hand through his hair sighing in defeat. He hasn't seen her since she visited in Ireland and he basically been there all summer almost. He missed her like crazy along with his other friends. Moving along in the line he smiled as he gotten closer to the front of the line.
He was ready to have some fun and get sprayed with whatever it was that was going to come out when he got bumped into. Seeing all the different stuff that sprayed or came out he laughed watching. It just made him more excited to get on the ride and experience it himself. He seen that you could ride with someone else, he frowned thinking about riding with Lia and then again by themselves if she wanted to but she wasn't here.
So far Dahlia couldn't complain much about her summer. She was nearly all of the things on her list and sticking to her scheduling book fairly well. Even her training was going alright, some parts of it a little better than others but all in all it wasn't too bad. Lots of time was being spent with all of her family and she was spending time with her friends as well.
The only thing on her list that wasn't really accounted for was.. lots of time with Tadhg. To no fault of their own. He was away in Ireland and though she had gone there to join him for a bit, it wasn't the same. When you got to see someone all day, everyday, not seeing them for a few weeks was waaaaaaay too long to be apart.
Lia spoke to him everyday though and that helped a little. Plus he was coming back in a few days. Sighing quietly to herself, she squinted a little in the early afternoon sunlight. Was she seeing things? Tilting her head slightly she continued to walk towards the line that lead to the Magical Bumper Cars.
Was that? No, no, it couldn't be.. Lia shook her head a little and blinked her eyes. He would've told her if he was coming home earlier. Right? But.. she knew that messy dirty blonde hair anywhere and the height was too perfect. Not to mention those gorgeous sapphire blue eyes that she couldn't look away from when he looked her way.
"Tadhg!" she called out to him, already heading straight for him.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!