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Old 12-15-2007, 11:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Last Christmas - (Song Fic) Sa16+

This song is sung by many artists, and I like the Jimmy Eat World and Ashley Tisdale versions the most honestly.
Wow, it’s been FOREVER since I’ve done Dramione and it isn’t much Dramione here anyways. So yeah...

This is a one shot!

Just so you know... the story is mainly Hermione recalling her previous (two) Christmases and you’ll see why. It’s the first time I’ve made Ron an even better guy honestly...

************************************************** *****************

It’s funny how things can change so suddenly. I never would’ve suspected my two day ‘love’ the year before, but I never would have expected what happened just today, two days after I made it clear how I felt to the guy that nearly ruined my thoughts of ever having a true relationship. Now that I think about it...

I sat on the windowsill of the common room, looking down at the clutters of people below. I couldn’t believe it had been one year since last Christmas, since snow came, and since I ever believed I was in love. It’s amazing how someone can be so wonderful and romantic one moment, and dump you the next.

After all, what do you expect from Draco Malfoy?

He picked me, and that’s what surprised me. Maybe that’s why I pushed aside all my past hate and found a ‘good person’ in him. So much for that! The day after Christmas he said ‘you’re not right for me’ and walked away. Since then, I felt that I couldn’t trust as easily. I made the stupid mistake of letting Malfoy’s charm get too deep, and now I can’t go back.

As people were practicing their magic with making snow forts and having snowball fights, I noticed a tall boy with a green, silver, and black winter jacket with his hood up. Platinum locks escaped from the rim. I glared down at him, watching as he headed towards the entrance to the castle.

Sighing, I got up and looked at the time. It wasn’t that surprising that I had wasted hours on the windowsill, watching while everyone else had fun. But of course, minus 3 hours from that because of studying and doing homework, but that piled up to a growling stomach either way. Subconsciously, I headed upstairs to my dorm, grabbed my iPod and went back down and left Gryffindor Tower.

Lethargically, I made my way down the stairwell. After at least 15 minutes, I found the Great Hall. Just as I was about to go in, someone touched my shoulder. It had to be Ginny, because no one else would’ve even cared to not grab me and wrench me around. I turned around and saw a hooded Malfoy.

“Go away,” I snarled. I was about to turn around, but he stopped me.

“Just listen, Mione.”

I spun around and slapped Draco as hard as I could.

“Don’t use that name with me.”

“Look, I just want you to know that... I’ve been thinking about what happened, and that we could...”

“No,” I cut in flatly.

“I can’t live without you.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” I responded mockingly. “If you couldn’t live without me how did you go one full year?” I pulled out my wand and jabbed it into his coat-covered chest. “Leave me alone, you bloody jerk. I’m no ride that you can choose when to use and when not to. You can’t just jump back on expecting it to work perfectly for you.”

A familiar song came into my ears; Last Christmas by Jimmy Eat World. Pulling it out, I cranked it onto full blast so he could hear.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year to save me the tears
I’ll give it to someone special.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year to save me the tears
I’ll give it to someone special.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year to save me the tears
I’ll give it to someone special.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year to save me the tears
I’ll give it to someone special.

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man undercover but you tore me apart
Now I‘ve found the real love, now I found
You’ll never fool me again!

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man undercover but you tore me apart
Now I‘ve found the real love, now I found
You’ll never fool me again!

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year to save me the tears
I’ll give it to someone special.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year to save me the tears
I’ll give it to someone special.

“Now go away,” I snarled as I backed away, turning my iPod off and still aiming my wand at him. I heard him sigh and walk away.

“Mione, you ok?”

Looking at Ron as he sat down, I smiled and responded, “I’m fine.”

As he sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, I curled up next to him as I watched presents go to the various Weasleys and Harry. I can’t help but wonder how I could’ve been so crazy to not realize my true love is the guy sitting next to me now. It only took the slip of his thoughts to make me realize it.

Just as a gift floated over to me, I thought about last Christmas and what was with Draco. It was nothing more than a load of rubbish; letting him get to me the way he did. But with that experience, I will never let that happen with me and Ron; it won’t be like last Christmas.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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