Thread: HoM Lesson III.
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Old 12-15-2007, 12:46 AM   #84 (permalink)
Mad Eye Touz
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zahra Kettleburn
Seventh Year
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Originally Posted by Willow_Kovac View Post
"Could they be house elves disguised as Reeinders?, you know..after taking some polyjuice potion!" she said quickly, "no wait, it cant be..polyjuice potion is only for humans.." she said feeling slightly dissapointed.
"Those poor elves. I hope you're wrong. I'm no great speaker for the rights of house elves, but surely he doesn't make the pull his sleigh like animals.." Lainey shook her head sadly.

Originally Posted by DeathEater24601 View Post
Diabolica's hand went up. "It really could be a lot of things--they could be reindeer with levitation spells put on them, they could be winged horses of some sorts--mayhaps even hippogriffs with a transfiguration charm on them" she guessed.
"Oh certainly could be! Hippogriffs would be good to use for their strength. I do wonder though if he could ever get that many to bow to him... Hmm... Interesting theory, Doabolica!"

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Amelia smiled when she had earned 10 points; that had to be a record for her in one class session. She took some brief notes on what was just said before raising her hand to answer the question about reindeer. "What about if the flying creatures who pulled santa's sleigh weren't reindeer at all, but really thestrals? Thestrals can fly, but can only be seen once you have seen death. However, if muggle children were told about thestrals, then they certainly would not believe it. So an animal is made up called 'reindeer' which sounds much more believable." She said, trying to think her way through the question as she spoke to make some sense of the whole thing.

"I think thestrals are a likely culprit in the case of Santa's reindeer's. Very likely."

Originally Posted by SweetAussie View Post
Agie raised her hand once more. "Professor, perhaps they aren't reindeer's at all, but more centures. However i don't think they'd be willing to carry Santa around. So more likely they could even be the very thing that transports us around when we arrive off the Hogwarts express. Threstals! I mean it makes perfect sense. Santra likes to be unnoticed. And I'm sure the muggles aren't that blind. The would notice 8 big creatures flying through the air. This way, hardly anyone would notice the threstals. "
"And that is why I think he might be using thestrals. Sure, he's breaking every secrecy law known to our kind - but using something like a thestral does make him more inconspicuous. Great thinking, Agie!"

Originally Posted by Monkey Princess View Post
"Here's smoething to think about, what if they were transfigured objects? I mean, it's obvious this man is powerful, what with the elfs and all. What if he got eight ordinary objects, transfigured them into creatures, like riendeer and flew that way? Or he could be using an extremly powerful Oppungo spell." she mused, her confidence of answering questions rising with every minute. "Though I don't think that would work too Thestrals like Amelia said would work too." she finished, frowning now. She asn't too keen on this santa thing anymore. That was why she loved history, it made you think.
"He certainly has the magic and power to do it. A simple command to his elves and they'd have to make objects fly..."

Originally Posted by druidflower View Post
Faye found what the professor had said of Faye taking after her to be a high compliment, but she didn't let it distract her. She proposed another theory.

"Moore's account was very specific about it being reindeer, and as they're an arctic and sub-arctic species of caribou, they would be easily at hand for someone not wishing to leave his lawless territory. In history and mythology there are a lot of stories of animal drawn carriages. Norse mythologists said Freya had a flying carriage drawn by enormous cats. The enchanment to levitate, fly or hover is a very simple one, and we know a house elf is more than magical enough to perform it. It's also possible that Moore didn't know what he was seeing or couldn't accept it. He may very well have seen flying horses, but didn't believe it, so he said it was reindeer, though i can't imagine why that is more plausible to Muggles. If he saw thestrals or the empty space left by one to they eyes off a person who has never witnessed a death, Reindeer MIGHT have been a more plausible explanation."

Lainey beamed. "You know your history. I'm very proud of you. I think you have a good point about the numerous muggles accounts about it specifically being reindeer. It could be," Lainey shrugged. "But, you also have a point that the muggles certainly wouldn't believe it if they did see a thestral.. or a hippogryff." Lainey laughed. Poor muggles.

"That brings us... to yet another mystery. Can any one explain Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to me?"
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