Thread: Harry Potter: Best Kept Secret - Sa16+
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Old 12-12-2007, 09:40 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Ok... well, I'm updating again.
And it has nothing to do with the fact it's 1:30am on a school night.
More specifically the middle of the school week but w/e. Stupid homework, stupid planning teacher for never being able to explain his stupid projects until practically two days before a whole freaking booklet is due... *grumbles*
Anyways, finished that and my paragraph for something else, so I feel like posting!!
Ha, it took me 10 minutes to place the word 'proud' in a sentence near the end of the chapter (I just added it and was like 'crud, what's that word...' and kept trying to remember by using the thesaurus on MS Word... finally got a result)

Ha, I’m on twilight-use rampage... except this time I used a line Eclipse.
Enjoy the update =)
So far unnamed, as you can tell. Might seem like just another pointless chapter, but it does have to contribute somewhat

Chapter 12

Things had fallen back to normal as another few weeks went by. Snow covered the ground with its soft, light fluff constantly. I really wished Cody would just freeze to death, but his skin is already colder than the snow... the idea nagged my mind constantly when I was bored; seeing him shivering, slowly dying of hypothermia, begging for heat, pleading for his life.

In my daydreams.

I was walking alone, heading towards the owlery. I might as well let my parents know I’m not going to be home for Christmas, after all, apparently the more time I spend with ‘the trio’, the more they will trust me. They didn’t get I wasn’t planning on getting them killed... or at least helping with that.
As I passed through part of the woods, I heard screaming. I quickly made my way to the source of the noise and saw a male 3rd year writhing on the ground. And I smelled blood.

Covering my nose and mouth, I got near the boy and saw a small bite mark on his arm.

“IT BURNS!” he continually yelled, sobbing. “SAVE ME! IT BURNS!”

Cody will regret this.

Taking in a deep breath from my mouth, I picked the boy up and didn’t breathe in. I then ran to the castle and quickly made my way around and up a flight of stairs. It was uncomfortable not to breathe, but I could deal without oxygen if I really needed to.

Turning my back to the door, I pushed it open and walked inside, cringing at the noise the boy kept making.

“What’s going on?” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed as she ran out of her office.

“I found him like this in the forest,” I said calmly, still not breathing.

Madam Pomfrey took him from my arms and took him down to an open bed. She looked at the wound, holding his arm as he thrashed around.

“He’s been bitten,” I heard her breathe. She turned around and asked me, “When did you find him?”

“Minutes ago, not even five,” I responded.

“Was anyone else around?”

“No.” I couldn’t consider that a lie exactly. Technically Cody wasn’t around, but he was somewhere out there, probably rejoicing that he had hunted a wizard, and a young one at that. He always told me wizard blood tasted better. When I asked why, he said it was the magic; it tasted sweet.

“Can you find Professor McGonagall for me?” Madam Pomfrey asked. I nodded, and left running. As soon as the door was closed, I was able to breathe normally. I managed to find the gargoyle that would bring me to the office.

“Uh... animagus?”

I didn’t think this would work, but it did. I jumped onto the stairs, slowly revolving up to the office. It stopped in front of a wooden door. I knocked.

“This isn’t...”

“There’s a big problem!” I called through the door. Suddenly, the wood in front of me disappeared in a flash as it was flung open. I jogged through and stopped in the centre of the room.

“What?” McGonagall asked me.

“A boy... 3rd year. He was... bitten.”

I saw McGonagall’s normally passive expression was taken over by fury in an instant.

“Another vampire followed me here to Hogwarts. He’s known to take a liking to wizard blood,” I explained quickly, knowing what she was thinking before she could ask.

McGonagall sighed.

“Madam Pomfrey needs you,” I finally said. Before I could say another word, McGonagall was out the door and going down the stairs, leaving them in place so I would be able to get out. I just stood dumbly, thinking of how I could kill Cody. It’s hard to kill vampires, because they’re immortal (despite how it’s known that they can age really slowly. They can look like withering old men and still be alive and kicking), but I’ll find a way...

Running back outside, I headed back to the section of the forest I had found the boy.

“Cody?” I called, keeping a normal, conversational tone that had no indications of what I wanted to do. He would hear me clearly enough; his hearing is excellent.

Within moments, I saw a figure emerge from behind the trees. Gold eyes met mine.

“Damn it, what’s your problem?” I yelled.

“I’m not the one yelling,” he responded simply. I glared.

“I’m not a murderer,” I snarled.

“So you don’t consider killing animals murder?” he asked, his voice still calm. I hate how he can be so calm, despite the situation.

“You used to kill animals, or with what you’re insinuating, should I say ‘murder animals’?” I retorted. “Out of all the people in the world you could’ve picked, you went after a student? He was barely 15!”

“Don’t you recall when you were 15?”

I gave him a venomous look and hissed. Even he recoiled at my fury, a very rare act. I felt rather proud of myself.

“Don’t turn this on me. I swear... were you trying to make it known you’re here?”

“You told the Headmistress, didn’t you?” he asked flatly.

“It’s not like I had a choice,” I pointed out.

“So she knows?”

“Yes. Some people are able to keep secrets,” I responded matter-oh-factly.

“I’m starting to wonder why I should keep secrets,” he threatened.

“It’s barely been three months. You can do better than that,” I snapped, glowering.

“It wouldn’t be my fault, would it?” he retorted, a smirk starting to form on his pale face.

As his smirk grew, I saw his eyes change from a gold colour to pale grey, his hair went silver-blonde... I shook off this feeling and came back to reality.

He took advantage of my silence. “I kept the kid alive at least. Don’t hate me for saving a life.”

I laughed. “You consider turning an innocent kid into a vampire ‘saving a life’? You said it isn’t much of a life.”

“You’d know, eh?”

Anger burned in my eyes once more. I then realized I had let him make me more vulnerable to attack.

“I hate you,” I snarled.

“Good, hate is a passionate emotion.”

“You’re hopeless,” I scoffed. Turning around, I stormed off; I couldn’t believe him sometimes, he can be so... no words can describe the fit of fury he put me in!

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 12-13-2007 at 12:07 AM.
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