He nodded as the students practiced. "Very good. The packing charm is actually quite easy. The hard part and what takes the most practice and a certain amount of innate skill is getting your things to pack neatly. There are a number of little tweaks to the charm and the key is your desire Some people, even with perfect wand motions, are just unable to fold or keep clothing folded while packing or even manage to ensure that everything ends up in its place. So, do not feel frustrated if all you manage is to get your things in your bag. However, for those of us who are bit more... particular... You can practice refining your technique and experiment with wand motions to see if you can get your things to pack more neatly.
"The next motion I will demonstrate will fold or keep clothing folded when you are packing. It can also be used to just make the packing a bit neater all around. The key is the twisting flick at the beginning or the end. I prefer to do it at the beginning as I get much better and neater results but, some people prefer to do it at the end, which seems to make the packing quicker. I will demonstrate both techniques."
Professor Branxton unpacked the bag and then demonstrated the twisting flick at the end of the sweep. As the shirt moved toward the bag it folded itself and the rest of the items packed on top of it. He held the bag out to show the neatly packed items, though the shirt was still a bit rumpled. After demonstrating with the twist in the beginning, the shirt folded itself before zooming to the bag, the result being a pristine shirt and all items meticulously placed.
ooc: Go ahead and view the rest of the video, if you haven't already. I hope you enjoyed watching my silly film as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.