Originally Posted by
YEllOW CAkE NiNjA Ryan rushed into the class. Phew. They hadn't started yet.
He walked over to Diabolica and Rapunzel and sat down, heart still pumping speedily. "Hey, guys," he breathed.
"Hey, Ryan," Diabolica smiled. Only half the class was there...
Originally Posted by DumbledoRO
"Hi Diabolica," Rapunzel grinned. She didn't know the girl on the other side of Diabolica, so she thought she'd introduce herself. "Hallo to you too. I'm Rapunzel," she smiled at her and then sat back in her seat. Nope, Hufflepuff didn't need to lose points for chatting. Especially not in here.
Diabolica, knowing that Rapunzel didn't want to lose Hufflepuff points, wrote on her piece of parchment, 'Haven't seen you since Honeydukes...how are you?'