Thread: Honeydukes
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Old 12-01-2007, 03:05 AM   #163 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DumbledoRO View Post
"Uh...uh...." Rapunzel gulped. "But don't you think...don't you think that some dark magic is wrong? There's no leeway there, really," Rapunzel continued without realizing who she was talking to, "because some stuff's illegal for a reason and the people who practice it---"

She stopped midsentence with her mouth hanging open. Rapunzel had suddenly remembered that she was addressing Diabolica, a Slytherin several years older than her and much more advanced in magic. All types of magic.

Maybe she should just be quiet now.

Rapunzel closed her mouth and quickly jumped to the next topic. "Well, you could, ah, work on the boyfriend thing!" she said brightly, hoping to distract Diabolica from the whole dark-arts-debate. She seemed to get rather moody, or angry, or depressed, or all three whenever they talked about that. "So! I have a wonderful idea for a possible boyfriend for you!" Rapunzel beamed and clapped Diabolica on the shoulder. "Guess who?!!!!" she was about to burst she was so cheerful all of a sudden.

ooc: Isadora has to see this.......

Diabolica blinked and laughed dryly at what Rapunzel was saying. "Erm...Rapunzel...I know. But, I don't really think that a seventh year Slytherin who got sentanced to Azkaban really listens to the Ministry very well." she grinned a bit.

She turned to Rapuznel, smirking a little bit. "Really. And who could that be?" she said in a very tounge-in-cheek like manner. Rapunzel quite amused her.

ooc--Hm, I wonder who? Such a big mystery! Yes, Izy must know. Shall I IM her? I'm chatting with her right, wait, you do it.
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