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Old 05-19-2004, 01:26 AM   #45 (permalink)
meesimouseiskool's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838

I'm here! And with another post!


Ron pulled his lips from Hermione's. Hermione frowned.

"Why did you do that, Ron?"

"Oh, Hermione. I'm sorry! I guess I was going too fast, it's just that I wanted to kiss you for a long time..."

"Me too, and you have to go and ruin it and pull your lips away!" Hermione's eyes sparkled.

Ron laughed, and kissed her again. It only lasted for a split second, but Hermione had fallen into his sweetness.

"Oh get a room, Weasley!"

Ron glared at Malfoy, who had appeared out of nowhere. "Get lost, Malfoy."

Malfoy smirked. "In your dreams." He turned to Hermione. "I see that you couldn't get any better than a Mudblood as your girlfriend. What a shame..."

Ron pulled out his wand. "Don't you dare insult my girl, Malfoy."

Malfoy grinned as he strided away. Hermione smiled. "Thanks, Ron."

Ron smiled. "Don't mention it," he said, kissing her on the top of her head. The pair walked toward the awaiting carriages.



"I still couldn't get in, Master."

"Oh, and so you come running back to me! I won't accept you into my group until you get me it!"

"Not to worry, Master. I captured a boy from Gryffindor tower, he'll be able to get the book for you."

"Alright. Bring him here."

"He's asleep, Lord."

"Perfect. As soon as I can make him do my acts in his body, I can get that book. I can find everything I need to know, and me and my Death Eaters will conquer all!"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Hermione sat up in bed and screamed. She screamed the loudest she had ever screamed before.

"Hermione, Hermione!!!" Ginny was shaking her. "Get up! What's the problem?"

"IT'S YOU-KNOW-WHO! HE'S GOT A BOY FROM GRYFFINDOR! HE'S GOING TO USE HIM TO GET A BOOK, AND THEN HE'S GOING TO BE KILLING PEOPLE LIKE HE WAS 16 YEARS AGO!" Hermione rushed to the boys' dormitory and began knocking wildly on the door.

"Hermione?" a groggy Harry answered. "What's going on?"

"Which boy is missing from this dormitory?" Hermione asked franticly.

"Well, Neville never came back in from the library..."



~Une rose est beauté*-
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