Banned Gnome
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: *eating green M&Ms* i love these things...
Posts: 351
| All Alone - Sa16+
HAY! HAY! It's me: Chelsea  Once again. With another one-shot. My second one on this fantastically awesome website that I now call home. lol..Im starting to really like these things. I actually had this one-shot almost all done with but I didn't really like and I was listening to "Face Down" by Red
Jumpsuit Apparatus(sorry if the spelling is incorrect) and this influenced me  So I give some credit to that fantabulous band. And it seems that I always forget this but, DISCLAIMER!!!: I, sadly, don't own Harry Potter or anyof these characters that are about to appear in this one-shot. But I do own my bunny, Noah. He's cute. So here it is: hope you enjoy. "Hermione!! Stop! Don't go back to him! He's only going to hurt you again!!!" I fuzzily heard Ginny
scream at me. Naturally, I ignored her.
"Get out of my way. Draco promised me he wouldn't hurt me again. He loves me and I love him. So
just get out of my way." I told her nastily. I was NOT in a good mood. It didn't help that I had a pounding
headache and Ginny was screaming and trying to hold me back.
"Whatever, Hermione. But I warned you. He's going to hurt you again. He's told you before that he was going to stop but you won't listen to me, Harry, or Ron. So, when he does hurt you again, don't come crying to me. Cause I'll just tell you that I told you so." Ginny said, finally letting me through. She's so
annoying sometimes. She just won't let me live my life the way I want to. She has to control it along with everyone else's.
I apparated on the spot, appearing in my apartment. There was Draco, waiting for me, smiling. I laughed and ran into his arms, finally. I missed him so much. I know that Ginny, Harry, and Ron are all trying to help me, but I know Draco. He didn't mean it. He was drunk. He loves me. I love him. Nothing
else to it.
"I missed you so much, Draco," I told him, glad to be in his arms
"I missed you too, babe." He told me sweetly, but then his tone changed. "But where were you?!"
"Ginny, Harry, and Ron were all trying to tell me that you would hurt me again. But I told them, that you wouldn't. That you loved me and that you promised me it wouldn't happen again. They still won't believe me, but they finally let me come home to you," I explained to him, quickly so he wouldn't get mad again.
"They think I did that to you on purpose?!?!" He yelled and pushed me away. "I love you! I was drunk and stupid. I would never do that!"
"Draco! I know, that's what I tried telling them, babe. But I just don't think they believe me. Now, calm down. Everything's going to be okay. We don't need them anyway. It can just be you and me," I told him, hoping he wouldn't get too angry. Yeah, I love Draco, but he did have a temper that could be hard to calm down sometimes.
"Don't tell me to calm down!!" He screamed. Now I was getting scared. "I'm gonna go over there, and tell them what I think of them. I'll straighten them out and see if they ever talk about me like that again!"
"Draco! NO!" I told him, helplesslly. "Please don't hurt them. They're my friends. They were just worried about me is all. I'll tell them I didn't know what I was talking about and all I did was run into the door or something. Just don't hurt them."
"I'm not going to hurt them, Hermione," he told me, like I was stupid. "I'm going to kill them." And with that, he apparated on the spot.
I screamed and immedialy apparated after him to the Burrow. It felt like it was taking forever to get there, but I saw it, and ran inside.
But I was too late. There, standing over Ron's and Harry's bodies was Draco. His wand was raised towards Ginny, but then saw me with tears running down my face and looked stunned. But in an instance, the look was gone. He turned back to Ginny and uttered, "Avada Kedavra" and Ginny was fell.
"Draco!!! How could you!?!?" I screamed at him. "They were my friends, my second family! How could you take them from me!! I told you, I would have told them a different story!!!! Now look what you've done!! You've gone and reserved a spot in Azkaban for you!!"
"No I didn't," he said simpily. "No one is going to find out about this. Because I'm going to kill you too, duh."
I gasped, when I saw his arm raise. But I was too quick for him, I shouted out the curse and he fell, his crumpled body right next to the others.
Hermione couldn't believe what just happened. In an instant, the four people she loved and cared for most in the world were taken from her. She just couldn't believe that she was all alone. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!~Chelsea |