you live your life just once, so don't forget about a thing called love. Those are really cute pairs of socks. -eyes them-
I wish I still lived out West, then I could go see Jan at her jewellrey shows sales. =) One day...
-shall watch this place for when the Ravenclaw stuff comes-
__________________ Guess who just got back today. Them wild-eyed boys that had been away.
Haven't changed that much to say. But man, I still think them cats are crazy.
They were askin' if you were around. How you was, where you could be found....
Tailz is back in town, Tailz is back in town. =)
Last edited by momentai; 11-26-2007 at 07:33 PM.
Reason: I couldn't remember the word I wanted and my mouse was being mean, it wouldn't let me scroll up. XD