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Old 05-18-2004, 05:28 AM   #391 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Lockhart: And we're back to... (pause) that show we're doing. (cheesy smile) The one with the name! Here's our contestent... (pause) and isn't she lovely. She has a name too, I bet.

Christy: It's Christy.

Lockhart: That's right! It sure is! Kristin... go ahead and ask the people over there some questions.

Christy: Sigh... okay, Two, if you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

One: *coughFERRETcough*

Lockhart: Bless you!

Two: (smacks something behind the curtain) I would be a snake, of course. Stealthy, noble, symbol of great power and eternal life... and they are just soooo cute.

Christy: I think I hate my life. I think I officially hate my life. Can I get a judge's ruling on that??

Three: Well...

Christy: No way, bucko, you aren't going to get away with answering a rhetorical question again. One, if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

One: Its all about money for you, isn't it? (yells) ISN'T IT? What can you buy me? Where can you take me? How much money can you give me? IF YOU WANT MONEY, YOU'RE LOOKING AT THE WRONG BLOKE.

Christy: Well, aren't you a bundle of laughs. I think I'll move on instead of addressing your obvious need to see a psychologist.

One: (pouty voice) I can't afford to do that either.

Christy: Right, carrying on then? Three, tell me about yourself in three words.

Three: I would say: Scottish, magical, and athlete. I'm a big Quidditch player... kind of let it define who I am too much.

Erin: (Jumps up from the seat she took in the audience) I KNEW IT! (she hurries over to the curtain and pulls it back, revealing Oliver, as well as Ron and Draco) You cheater! You cheating cheater who cheats! (she puts her face in her hands and runs off crying, followed by Oliver)

Lockhart: Um... let's move on. Karma, would you like to ask One or Two another question?

Christy: Are you crazy? First, my name is CHRISTY. Plus, if Erin's gone, I don't have to stay and finish this stupid game show. (She hops off the stool) Come on, Ron. I'll buy you a taco with my BuckID. (Draco pouts) Fine, Draco, you can come too, but you have to buy your own taco.

Lockhart: You can't goooooo! What about the thingy we're doing? Aren't we in the middle of a thingy? YOU CAN'T LEAVE THE THINGY! (he puts his thumb in his mouth and sucks) My shoes are on the wrong feet and I want my Teletubbie.

★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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