Thread: Harry Potter: And He Cried - Sa16+
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Default And He Cried - Sa16+

Hey everyone, it’s me: Chelsea. This is my second fanfic on this fantastic site. This is also my first one-shot. So bare with me if it sucks. I invite constructive criticism with open arms so don’t worry about hurting my feelings. Just tell me what you think. Enjoy!

“Come on Hermione!!! Don’t leave! Let me explain! Please!!” He shouted at me as I ran out the door, tears streaming down my face. All I could think about was getting out of there and being anywhere but there. I HAD to get out. Nothing else mattered except getting out of that place and away from him.

I just kept on running and running and running and wouldn’t stop. It was my escape. I was running so fast, it felt like I was flying. Flying. That’s what I need to learn how to do. Fly. So I can get out of here. My wings could take me to another world. Another planet. A planet that didn’t have people like HIM.

As I was running, to where I didn’t know, I thought of all the things that when I now look back on was practically a bright, neon sign saying CHEATER! I couldn’t believe I was stupid enough to love him and trust him with my heart. We’d only been dating a year but I was SURE he was the one I was going to marry. Nothing in the world mattered unless I was with him. And now, my heart was shattered into a million tiny pieces and I couldn’t stop crying or running.

I kept thinking of all the romantic times together and how everyone envied us cause we were the “it” couple. The couple that everyone wanted to be. Everyone. We were so much in love that I never thought he would hurt me. But everyone is wrong at times, even me, his “little genius”. That’s what he called me. Now, thinking of that, brought on another waterfall of tears.

I didn’t know where I was going but I didn’t want to stop. I was afraid that if I stopped, I wouldn’t be able to do anything. Nothing.

I’ve loved him every since I laid eyes on him. There were, at times, moments when I hated him or couldn’t believe that I could possibly like someone like him. It was so confusing. Yet, every time he looked at me, I melted like butter. Then, when we started meeting secretly, I was sure he was playing me. Like, it was a bet on how fast he could get me in bed or how long he would be able to date me for. But, no matter how much I hate to admit, I didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was actually paying attention to me, even if it was for a horrible reason. At least, he was looking at me, noticing me, kissing me, saying wonderful things that made my stomach to millions of flips. He made me smile, laugh, look at the world in a different way.

Then, after school, we got our own place after we finally told everyone about us. How we’ve been sneaking around and seeing each other and that we loved each other and nothing they would say could change that. Nothing.

Then, that night, everything changed. I worked at the muggle hospital a couple nights a week for some extra cash and that night, they were letting me come home early because it was really slow. I was going to have a baby, although I haven’t told HIM yet, I was starting to put some extra money away here and there. I was going home from the hospital to tell him the wonderful news. That he was going to be a daddy of a little girl, just like he always wanted.

I came home, eager to tell him, when I heard noises. At first, I wasn’t sure to think of it, was he watching some nasty shows or something? But no. I walked into the living room and there they are, on the couch. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so shocked. At first, I thought it might be some of his friends or something. But no, it was HIM and his secretary. Typical. Just like in the soap operas we used to watch to make fun of together.

I stood there for a couple minutes, not believing my eyes. They didn’t even notice me standing there until I whipped my keys at them.

HE jumped up and saw me and said, “I thought you had to work till midnight tonight, babe.” Babe. He called me babe after I just caught him cheating on me with his SECRETARY! Tears were already flowing and I ran out. I heard him yell after me but I didn’t stop.

And now, here I am, finally stopping at who knows where. I’m by an abandoned alley that looks like a nice place to sleep in. There’s someone’s old couch that looks like something is growing on it. I don’t care, who cares if I catch a deadly disease. Nothing else in the world matters right now. Nothing. I curl up on it and cry and cry. I didn’t think a person could cry this much, but once again, I was wrong. Surprise, surprise. I pull out my wand and look at it. I always had my wand no matter what. I even took it to my muggle job. With days like these, no one was safe. I took it just in case.

It was like I could practically here it calling out my name. I hear footsteps coming down the streets; I automatically knew it was HIM. Sure enough, seconds later, there he was, standing at the entranceway of the alley. He says my name and I cry. It was like my hand had a mind of it’s own, but slowly, it raised up to my neck and I cry even harder. The words were right on the tip of my tongue, when he yelled and was running my way.

I mutter those two deadly little words and I was gone. From up above, I saw HIM go to my limp, limp body. I saw him take my body in his arms and cry. I’ve never seen him cry before. But he did. He cried and he cried. And he cried.

Tell me what ya think

Last edited by Ozzy; 06-13-2008 at 12:57 AM.
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