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Old 11-21-2007, 09:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
Formerly: hrmy_lvr_4evr

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurelie Rylen
Sixth Year
Default The Hogwarts Four - Sa13+
Fiyero ♥ | RED VINES! | FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAA | "Always." ♥| SupermegafoxyAWESOMEhot!

Hello and welcome! I'm Maura. This is a FF about the founders of Hogwarts, written by dark_emeralds and myself. This FF will explain why they chose the place they chose for Hogwarts, how they decided to run it, etc. Plus it's full of action and humor.

Chapter Guide

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue Part 1

This will be the color used when the story is in Godric Gryffindor's point of view.

This will be the color used for Rowena Ravenclaw.

This will be the color used for Salazar Slytherin.

And last but not least, this will be the color used for Helga Hufflepuffs point of view.

When a part of the story is written by the narrator (dark_emeralds or myself) or the POV of a character other than one of the founders, the text will be this color.

Please enjoy this FF!

(Chapter 1 written by me, hrmy_lvr_4evr.)

Chapter One

It was a warm and rainy night. A glowing silver-yellow moon hung in a dark navy sky. A few stars twinkled feebly. Bathed in silvery moonlight was a small cottage. Hunched around a small table were four figures, lit by candlelight.

"Underground? Are you crazy?" The woman, in her mid-twenties, swepy silky black hair out of her ble eyes. "Salazar, that would never, ever work."

"And why not? Rowena, it would be hard to find that way. We'd be safe from intruders, at least." Salazar Slytherin said, banging his fist on the table. The candle wobbled and tipped over, nearly burning all of his papers.

With a quick flick of her wand, Rowena righted the candle and fixed the burn on Helga Hufflepuff's kitchen table. "Please, Salazar, be more careful." She studied his profile: His long black hair, pointed beard, slight French mustache, emerald eyes glittering excitedly in the firelight. As the flickering flight from the flame played over his face, making him look older than twenty-seven, Rowena continued.
"The school can't be set underground. We simply could not make it big enough." She reached out and patted his shoulder. "I'm sorry Salazar. I know you really wanted this. You're right; it would be hard to find and we'd be safe from intruders and winds, but it wouldn't work..."

"If I may speak." The second man leaned forward, his dark brown eyes slightly glazed over with tiredness. "Dear friends, it is getting late, and I have a plan." Godric Gryffindor looked around at his companions: Clever Rowena Ravenclaw, stubborn but cunning Salazar Slytherin, and meek, modest Helga Hufflepuff. "My dear friends," he said again, "We will never learn anything if we just sit here talking. We must act, we must actually go out and look for places. If we want to start a school, we must first learn, ourselves. We do need to find an ideal place, but let's go and look for one." He looked around again, a fierce determination in his eyes, the candlelight reflecting in his light brown hair.

"Yes," spoke up a soft voice. Everyone looked at Helga. She blushed, but continued. "Godric is right. It is better to see things for ourselves than to gues about them." She ran a hand through her long, wavy, dark blonde hair. Sighing, she rubbed her hazel eyes and said, "Well, we can decide in the morning. But for now, let's go to sleep. It is far too late for you three to go home. Rowena, you can share my room. Salazar and Godric, the guest bedroom. Follow me." She stood and picked up the candle, and led her friends up a thin flight of stairs. She pointed to a small room for the two men and proceeded to show Rowena into her bedroom.

End of Chapter One

Results of your poll:

Which is your favorite Hogwarts founder?

Godric Gryffindor = 41%
Helga Hufflepuff = 7%
Rowena Ravenclaw = 30%
Salazar Slytherin = 11%
I like them all equally = 11%
I hate them all = 0%

Last edited by Droo; 11-28-2009 at 02:58 PM.
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