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Old 05-17-2004, 04:25 AM   #85 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Wilmington Delaware
Posts: 215

ello again well it still seems as if no one likes what i write but ill keep posting and maybe one day people will start to read them again

drunk and stupid

i did something stuipd
something i should have never done
i feel like $hit
but its my own fault
i went out to a wedding
and drank way more than
i should have
i made a complete a$$
of myself
i cant remember
what happened after i lefted
but all i know now
is that i make myself sick
im disgusted with it all
i cant believe i was
such a retard
well now i can say
i learned my lesson
drinking is wrong
and bad for you
so for now i hang my head in shame
in hope that
i will never ever
be that stuipd again
being drunk is something
i wont do again
i learned this lesson
the hard way
and i write about it
because im hoping
that you wont have to
make the same mistake i did
dont drink
but if you do
drink a very little
but i ugre you not to
make the same mistake i did leah mae
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