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Old 05-16-2004, 06:42 AM   #689 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 119

I growled angrily, felt in my pocket and pulled out my wand, Crabbe and Samantha did the same. It would look odd for someone to walk in and see the four friends threatening each other.
"Drop the wand Potter" I muttered, then shouted "Stupefy!" Crabbe and Sam did the same. Stevie was thrown in the air and stunned on the ground. "Quickly, grab her" I said. They did so. "Let's carry her outside"
"Someone will see us!" Sam snapped, turning back into herself. Me and Crabbe did the same.
"I got a gift from Draco" I smiled, pulling out an invisibilty cloak. I threw it over us.
We left Stevie's body outside the gates of Hogwarts and looked around.
"Good work" Said a cloaked figure coming out of the shadows, it was Draco, my Dad and Crabbe's dad. "Pick her up and take her to the manor" They did so and apparated away with her. "You will get your reward" He said to me, then apparated awya also. "Come on, we have a tournament to win"
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