"Hey, I like that song!" Aschere exclaimed. "But.. I don't have my guitar with me this term, unfortunately, I left it behind. Wish I hadn't, though." She sighed.
At precisely that moment, a burgundy-red fuzzball shot out of her sleeve, bounced against Sam, fell at their feet and began skittering across the room.
"What the-- Poof! Get back here!" Aschere yelled and sprang out of the couch. "Give me just a sec, she said over her shoulder, as she ran after the pygmy puff.
Pouncing, she finally caught the little runaway, that immediately commenced to run up and down her arm making squeaky noises.
"Hungry are ya?" she said, as she walked back to the couch Sam was sitting on. Digging into her pocket, she produced a cookie, which Poof accepted quite happily and began to eat with crumbly bites.
"Sorry for that," Aschere said rather breathlessly. "He's a bit hyperactive!"