Aschere entered the common room, tossing a gobstone from one hand to the other. She looked up and saw a few students she didn't know yet, but called out to get their attention all the same.
"Friends, Gryffs, common-roomers, lend me thine ears," she grinned.
"Ok, the deal is this. There's a Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff Gobstones match happening right now on the
Hogwarts Grounds, and while we won the first round, the Hufflepuffs are very steadily winning the others. Why don't we show some teamwork and cinch the Gobstones match, like our amazing Quidditch team got theirs?"
Maybe it's just as simple as making sure that every time you, a Gryffindor, comes onto SS, you can just drop by at the Gobstones club and see what's happening

It doesn't take long to find the answers, usually. They're most likely to be in one of the Hogwarts classroom threads, or in the HP lexicon.. so if you see a question that hasn't been answered yet, just look for the answer in one of these sources, and post that.