Russian Dancing Snake-Twin | Jam Pony Rider | Has Snuffed It!
Unrealistic, to me, is like having super powers above the normal. Normal being the common every day in Hogwarts witch or wizard. Normal is a hard thing to describe when we're talking about an online RPG wizard school. Lol.
Realistic, for SS, i think would classify as anything you could honestly see Harry and his friends doing while at school, or maybe not his friends but people he or anyone in the Harry Potter books went to school with.
Things we never would see in HP books is unrealistic, to me, meaning that, say, never in Harry's time or even his father's time did anyone conjur up flame and throw it at people's head without a wand, never did people control the water flow or make the trees sprout up from the ground instantly. Things like this, telecommunication and mind reading(if not RPed in a detailed, consistant, and mature manner) I classify as unrealistic, because it just seems as if the person is trying to make their character seem so cool and so different that they seem... I dunno, almost pathetic and just there for a good laugh.
Really, I think that if you are a good RPer and do it right, lots of things that aren't in, and may NEVER even fit into the HP books, could be considered realistic, but I feel that we don't have enough people doing that and most stuff is unrealistic.
But, this is kind of a hard topic to cover, considering it's an online Role Play website about a made up fantasy world to begin with.