ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll Chapter 2, Part 3 Black, darkness surrounded Ivan momentarily before another memory began to bleed into his vision. He was staring at a small child that seemed vaguely familiar, his head stretched back as though he was looking at something twice his height.
Ivan twisted around, trying to take in the space but he could see nothing but the child in front of him, the boy’s face was so familiar...His back was against a wall making it impossible for him to move in the space. Ivan felt trapped and a sense of fear crept over him slowly.
A loud bang and clatter made Ivan shudder. The boy spun around, his eyes fixed on the bright light of the doorway now in front of them. A dark silhouette walked forwards into the room and steered the boy out of it.
Following behind, Ivan was reprimanding himself for his foolishness, he was only in a memory and he had gotten scared!
They were walking swiftly down a dimly lit hallway, the white paint on the walls beginning to peel off. The child seemed to be walking with difficulty, the man’s hand cutting into his shoulder. The man pushed the child out in front of him and through a door, the boy stumbling slightly. |