I always thought PG-13 was too much. If there were a rating b/t PG and PG-13 that would be fitting, I suppose.
As for people in a theater being a disturbance, my method is to get the manager to have the distraction escorted out of the theater. I find it effective for teens, tots and the occasional grown moron. I've done it more than once and it always solves the problem.
And you're right--it doesn't really matter what the rating is with some parents. I went to an R-rated horror movie and was cringing in my seat (actually, I may have been in my husband's seat with him by that point, hehe) when I heard the piercing scream and cries of what turned out to be a four-year-old whose mother had "really wanted to see the movie, but couldn't find a babysitter and didn't think he would be affected so badly." Idiot.
I mean, PG still isn't for everyone and yet some parents will think the movie appropriate for their small children. Heck, I don't even think most small children should be allowed in theaters for even G-rated films--they simply generally haven't been taught how to behave.