11-02-2007, 07:40 PM
Herbology Lesson One: Ghosty's Tale Seedling trays, filled with a sweet-smelling soil, lined the tables in the classrooms. If you look at them just right, it would seem that something glimmers there, but is gone before you can make out the shape of it.
Just next to each small seedling tray is a pot about the size of a cereal bowl, only taller. This too is filled with a sweet-smelling soil. Something about the fragrance of the classroom is of apples, cherries, and apricots.
In front of is another of these seedling trays, and pot. However, also there is a box containing small bags of a dark-gray substance.
Professor Erikson rounded the room, taking care to check on each seedling tray once more and placing trowels around at each station. Once he was satisfied, he took his place at the front of the classroom, waiting for the students to arrive. |