I used a joke from the Twilight series within the first few paragraphs. If you read the series, you’ll know it

And another term from Twilight, ‘coven’. It’s a group of vampires (which is rare since vampires are usually... independent, but whatever).
P.S: First few paragraphs are for all you guys that wanna know more about Cody. More is revealed later, but there's a fair bit here now. Well, enough I suppose

And honestly, if you haven't assumed this secret yet... (don't post it, I'm just saying in your mind

Enjoy! xD I'll post tomorrow since I haven't posted in a few days and am too lazy to do all the paragraph spacing another time today.
Chapter 6
Draco’s Blood
I sat through my classes, absentmindedly doodling on a piece of parchment. Last night’s encounter with my old en... with someone from my past, really shook me. I could never evade him, and no matter what he would never leave me. Because of him, I’ve been switching schools, because of him... I’m different. Each school I’ve gone to, he’s followed me. I don’t know how he did it, but he managed to survive living off of the occasional muggle, never anyone from school. Only once he made that mistake, but I couldn’t care less – I hated the girl he picked so it wasn’t much of a loss.
Back before things changed, we were in love. I’ve heard stories about how vampires find one human that has a more... appetizing scent, but I never imagined that vampires existed until he told me. He did well controlling himself, I must admit. But things got out of hand, and I tried to get away, something he said I should do (‘I’m too dangerous’ was his excuse. I knew he was), but I couldn’t keep him out of my mind. Before I could go and find him, he found me. He was different when he returned; he had called himself a vegetarian, a vampire that had chosen a path that involved animal blood, not human. When he found me, that changed. He left the coven he had lived with for decades; he said he had been unable to live with them anyways, since I left.
He was the only one that knew my secret. Because of that, he threatened to blackmail me using it. You can only guess what happened after we would have a big fight. I kept leaving countries to go to different schools, but every place I went to he would find me. He’s become a leech, and I don’t mean that ironically; he’d stick to me and not let go. He never got the hint; I don’t want him around, and I certainly don’t need him.
I ignored the voice, it sounded too much like Cody’s for my liking.
I snapped my head towards the source of the whisper, as I assumed it was. I glared at Malfoy and snarled under my breath, “Don’t you dare call me that again.”
“Ms. Lyon?”
I looked up and saw Snape sneering.
“Do you have your answer? Finally?”
The Slytherins, except for Malfoy, snickered.
“Might you repeat the question?”
“You have heard it three times. What is that muggles say...? ‘Third time’s the charm’?” Snape drawled.
“Not like I’d know,” I muttered.
“You don’t know the answer?” the corner of Snape’s mouth twitched as it grew into a cruel, cold smile.
I glared. “You asked me what the muggle saying it. My answer is I don’t know.”
“That is not the question I was referring to!” Snape snapped, his fist coming down onto the table. The Slytherins laughed.
“10 points from Gryffindor for sassing,” Snape added as he turned around.
I sighed inwardly, thankful he hadn’t bothered to ask whatever he had apparently asked three times... or was that the question? Argh, I’m so confused!
“If you mix your Sleeping Draught correctly, the colour should be silver and smell sweet, almost like the daydreaming Deanne.” Snape gave me a hard look as he said this. So that was the question...
I saw Harry roll his eyes at Snape’s use of alliteration.
“Your ingredients are on the table. Get working, you have until the last five minutes of class.”
Silently, I read through the page of instructions; I felt Malfoy’s eyes on me as I did this. Once I finished, I took a ginger root and started to reach for the knife, but before I could grab it, Malfoy took it, stole my ginger root, and started to dice it.
“I’m more than capable of...”
“You take too long,” Malfoy cut me off. I gapped.
“Excuse me? Someone that takes over an hour to get up after falling on the floor is badgering me about speed?”
Malfoy, still dicing, looked up at me and glared. He looked back down and started to move his hand from the knife, but it was too late; he managed to make a gash all the way from the middle of his hand down. Before I could inhale the scent, I covered my nose and mouth. My eyes fell upon the red pools that stained his pale hand, and I felt my body tense. Not now...
“For goodness sake, Malfoy, one would think a 17 year old boy could handle a small knife...” Snape waved his wand over Malfoy’s hand, and the gash disappeared. Snape summoned a tissue box and dropped it in front of Malfoy, and walked away. Malfoy took a bunch of tissues and started to wipe away the blood. Once he was done and all visible proof of blood was gone, he crumpled the tissues into a ball and threw them into the garbage. He then turned to look at me, probably ready to demand why I’m not doing anything, and saw what I was still doing.
“Are you ok?”
“You just sliced your hand open and you’re asking me if
I’m ok?”
“You look like you’re going to puke...”
“I can’t stand the smell of blood,” I responded.
Malfoy held his hand up and said, “There’s no more blood.”
I eyed the knife, which was tinted crimson. Malfoy rolled his eyes and cleaned off the knife and threw the ball of tissue into the garbage as well.
“Oh, come on...”
“I have a keen sense of smell,” I snapped defensively, my hand still over my mouth and nose.
“You honestly want me to wash my hand?”
“You never know where the knife has been!” I pointed out indignantly.
“What’s the problem now?”
Snape suddenly appeared in front of our table. I managed to make myself appear as if I was going to puke. “For Merlin’s sake...”
“That’s what I said!” Malfoy exclaimed.
“Take her to the hospital wing, Malfoy.”
“I’ll understand if you don’t finish the potion. But you...” Snape turned to look at me. “Accidents happen; accept the fact blood can be spilt.”
“Professor, it honestly isn’t her fault...” Malfoy started to object for me.
“Take her to the hospital wing,” Snape repeated, pronouncing each word carefully.
Malfoy glared at Snape and pulled me out of my chair and led me out of the classroom. Once he slammed the door shut, he turned to me.
“What’s your problem?” he snapped.
“I told you!” I snapped back.
“That’s not it.”
“Can we please just...”
Malfoy sighed and started to drag me down the hall. I yanked out of his grip and took a step to the side so there were a few feet of space between us. We wound through the corridors silently and up flights of stairs. Within minutes, we were in the hospital wing.
“What happened?” Madam Pomfrey came out of her office. She looked at my green-tinted face, and then at Malfoy’s hand. She seemed to notice something was wrong with him, even if there was no sign of him ever having cut himself.
“Wash your hand,” she told him.
“Not until...”
“And what happened with her?” Pomfrey asked, looking at me.
“She started to get sick.”
“For no reason?”
“Because I cut myself. She claims she can’t stand blood.”
Malfoy was right, but at the same time he was very wrong...
“Wash your hand then.”
Malfoy headed down the hospital wing and through a door. Within minutes, he came back out, the scent of soap seeping through the fingers that still covered my nose and mouth. I slowly removed it from my face and inhaled slowly. There was no smell of his blood. I sighed thankfully and I managed to make the green on my face disappear.
“There. Why did you waste time coming up from your class to do this?”
“Snape told us,” Malfoy snapped. He stopped in front of me and asked, “You’re ok now?”
I nodded. He then pulled me out of the hospital wing and around the first corner. I once again yanked out of his grip. He reached out and took a gentle, yet firm, hold of my upper arm. I figured the reason he was doing this wasn’t just that he wanted to make sure I get back to class.
“I can walk myself.”
He ignored my comment and we ran down the flights of stairs until we found ourselves in the dungeon.
“No,” Malfoy said flatly, knowing what I was about to say.
We made out way down the final hall and stopped feet in front of the classroom’s door. As I reached out to open the door, Malfoy grabbed my hand to stop me. I felt his body tense at the sudden coolness of my skin.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Well technically...”
Malfoy rolled his eyes.
“Why’re you so cold?”
I looked back at Malfoy for a moment, contemplating him.
“In what way? Like cold as in how you are to everyone else or cold as in...”
“Like ice,” Malfoy practically breathed the word.
I was silent for a moment, suspiciously looking at Malfoy. I finally responded, “I can’t say.” Reaching for the door again, Malfoy stopped me. I turned to look at him, an irritated gleam held in my violet eyes.
“I’d have to kill you.” With that said, I managed to open the door and walk back into the Potions room, leaving Malfoy confused and stunned.