It isn't shocking to read that Jo perceived Dumbledore to be gay. You have to remember Dumbledore was over a 100 years old. When he was just starting out in the late 1800s he would have needed a profession where being single would not draw attention. Teaching has always been a haven for homosexual men and women as a profession. It goes back to the fact that years ago many teachers were not allowed to marry, both men and women. By requiring the teachers to be single the school was able to keep it's staff size smaller. This was especially true in the European board school setting. Dames and Masters live on campus and spend almost all their waking hours overseeing the children entrusted to their care. They had little time to pursue personal romantic relationships. This was idea for men and women who were gay and even today the profession has a large number of homosexuals in it. It doesn't mean every older single teacher is gay but many are and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. They aren't molesting kids, they are doing something they love and doing it well.
I applaud Jo for being honest when asked a direct question. I am also happy she didn't reveal it in the books. She didn't need his sexuality to be an issue but her revealing it now adds a layer of understanding as to why a brilliant man was blind to Grindelwald in the beginning. Love is blind and it effects can be the reason so many end up in relationships that contain domestic violence, or some other negative things like alcoholism and drug abuse in it. There are many famous homosexual people through out history some out of the closet and some so far in they're covered with cobwebs but they are still great people and they are still homosexuals...the point is what is the big deal.
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