Story by griffin girl
Miriam Margoyles, who plays
Professor Sprout, will star in
Dickens' Women held in Adelaide, Australia, next month. This run of the one-woman play will precede performances at the University of Western Australia, which
we told you about a couple of months ago.
"I didn't mean it to happen," she says of the Dickens thing. "I was reading Oliver Twist when I was about 10 or 11 and I just got sucked in - and I thought Dickens was different and dangerous and brave with sonorous prose and difficult plots. I was hooked. I have never been unhooked. I just love him so much."
You can read the full article
here, where she talks about Australia, Charles Dickens, and more!
Dickens' Women will be at Her Majesty's Theatre from November 1 to 11.
Wizard News