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Old 10-15-2007, 06:03 PM is offline
Post Dumbledore's Army competition commences at Knockturn Alley

Knockturn Alley, our role play section of the site, is hosting another competition - one different than usual. Instead of following the usual TriWizard Task theme, a new idea has been brought about - Dumbledore’s Army.

In this event, you as a student will role play learning spells and using them against a series of Death Eaters. There are three rounds throughout the whole thing, and it will begin and last through November.

The forum in which everyone will be role playing can be found here.

Sign-ups start today and close on October 31st, so make sure you put your name down! Those who don't make it in time can't compete.

I hope to see you all joining in - it's going to be loads of fun!!
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