Chapter Nine: The Reception
Hey guys, I actually wrote another chapter in a reasonable amount of time! I hope you all like it. Thanks for being such faithful readers! Keep posting and so will I!
Krissy The clinking of glasses silenced the crowd as Hermione stood in front of the room. Holding a glass of sparkling pumpkin juice Hermione began.
“ As most of you know, I am Hermione, the Matron of honor and I was told I’d have to make a speech, so I apologize in advance.” The crowd laughed, “ I have known Harry since we were only eleven years old, and I got to know Ginny the next year. We all grew up together in a very public light. I don’t have to mention all the trials and tribulations of our youth, since most of them have been documented in History books. What wasn’t documented was how down to earth Harry is, or the fact that his fame still embarrasses him to this very day. Never has it been written how fiercely Ginny has fought for her place not only as a respected woman, but her place in Harry’s heart. They both have sacrificed so much for the greater good, sometimes they lost their way to one another. I am so very happy to know they have found their path to love and marriage. I was so lucky to have met the love of my life that day on the Hogwarts Express, it’s nice to know Harry and Ginny met each other on the same day. I love you both very much!” Hermione raised her glass and began blubbering as Ginny hugged her. “sorry, it’s the hormones” Hermione chuckled through her tears. All of the guests applauded and drank a toast to Harry and Ginny.
Ron stood next. “ Well I suppose it’s my turn, though I don’t think it’s fair I have to follow my wife. She’s always been better at words than me.” His ears turned red as he pulled some note cards from his robes. “Today my best mate married my one and only sister. I don’t know how I feel about this. I mean on the one hand you have this amazingly talented person who deserves the world to bow at their feet, and on the other hand you have Harry.” The crowd chuckled. “Seriously though, Harry has always been like a brother to me and thanks to my darling brat of a sister, now he really is my brother. I couldn’t be happier or more proud of the fact that they both chose so wisely. I owe my life to both of them, were it not for Harry I would have died dozens of times. Were it not for Ginny, I never would have realized I was in love with Mione, who is my entire reason for living.” Raising his glass, “I ask all of you to drink a toast to the most spectacular couple the Wizarding World will ever know! To the Potters!” everyone in the room took a large drink to the happy couple. “Now get to making some twins! Better you guys than me!” Ron said as he ran his hand over his wife’s large belly. The room erupted into laughter as Harry and Ginny shared a kiss.
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Ginny sat at the head table watching Harry Dance with Beatrice standing on his feet. They were so cute together, Harry all fancy in his dress robes and Beatrice in her cute little dress wearing her mother’s radish earrings. Harry was listening intently as the little girl told him the story of how her daddy had helped “The famous boy with the scar” in the tri-wizard tournament. She kept babbling on about plants and little creatures that inhabited them. “Harry will be a great father some day” Ginny looked up to see her brother Ron sitting on the table next to her.
“He will be won’t he?” Ron just nodded and put out his hand to ask his sister to dance. Ginny stood up gracefully and took Ron’s hand as he lead her to the dance floor.
“I don’t suppose I can stand on your feet like Bea is doing to Harry?” Ginny said smiling up at her big brother.
“Little girl, you can do whatever you want, today is your day.” Ron smiled down at Ginny as they danced in silence.
“Yeah Gin?”
“I’m so sorry about my outburst at the hospital. It was so wrong of me to blame you for Harry’s injuries. I couldn’t imagine what would have happened if that curse had hit you instead! I know it wasn’t your fault and I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m so so sorry.” Ginny’s eyes welled up with tears as Ron pulled her closer into a hug.
“Gin, I understand. I blamed myself too. I still do. The important thing is that Harry is alright, and I am going to get to see my little girl come into this world. Everything happened as it needed to. There is no anger here, were the roles reversed I would have yelled at you too. It’s that Weasly blood, we yell first and think later.” Ginny giggled at that and hugged her favorite brother a little tighter.
“I love you Ron, you’re the best.”
“I am aren’t I?” Ron said laughing.
Molly and Arthur watched their two youngest children banter as they danced. Ginny’s tiny feet carefully balanced on top of Ron’s. “He always did protect her, didn’t he Arthur?”
“Aye Molly, and I reckon he always will. She’s lucky that one, a brother that would die for her, and now a husband that would die for anyone in her family.
“We’re all lucky Arthur.”
“Aye Molly, Aye…” :luvpot:
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