Chapter six: preparations
Sorry guys, I know I promised you the wedding in this installment, but what I ended up with was far too long to post as one chapter. Plus I need to tweak some of the dialog so it flows better. I promise this won't be ending too soon, I have a lot I want to fit into the story. The next chapter will definitely have the beginning of the wedding at the very least!
Thanks for your patience and for being faithful readers! Keep the comments coming!
Krissy “What do you mean he didn’t use his wand?” Hermione shook her head at her husband while knitting a tiny cap for their unborn daughter.
“I’m telling you Hermione! He didn’t use his wand, or even say a spell! The feathers just did what he was thinking! His shoes nearly took off his head!” Ron was desperate for Hermione to believe him.
“That isn’t possible Ronald, I think Harry is playing a trick on you.”
“Mione, Dearest. Love of my life. I know what I saw!”
“Fine Ron, then have Harry come over and show me his new power. I may be in a fragile state, but I will not fall for your silly tricks!” Hermione was getting upset at the thought of her husband trying to play a joke on her. Knitting furiously she finished the tiny lavender cap with a lopsided flourish.
************************************************** ***********************************
Ginny paced the living room at the burrow nervously. “Maybe we should postpone the wedding. Just until we know what is causing this effect on you? I mean it was a curse! It shouldn’t have made you stronger.”
Harry stood up and put his arms around Ginny to stop her pacing. “Sweetheart, we have put this wedding off long enough. Tomorrow you will become my wife. I don’t care if we have to get married in St. Mungos, we are getting married!”
Ginny leaned against Harry and cried quietly. “It’s just so scary, I mean what if you can’t learn to control it?” Harry just hugged her and rather suddenly a handkerchief appeared before them.
“I guess I was thinking I should find something to dry your eyes!” Harry laughed at the new trick. “I’m just going to have to learn how to curb what I am summoning and emotional wants. Don’t worry Gin. I think this is a good thing.”
Wiping her eyes Ginny nodded. “If you think so, I’ll trust your faith.”
“Good, Now you get to the flat and get some rest. I’m sure tomorrow Hermione will have you up bright and early to prepare for the wedding.” Harry kissed Ginny’s forehead lightly. “I love you Ginny, and the next time I see you, we will become husband and wife.” Ginny smiled broadly, kissed Harry on the cheek and dissapparated to his flat.
************************************************** ***********************************
It was just after dawn and Ginny woke to the smell of frying bacon. Tying her pink bath robe around her she wandered into the kitchen with her eyes half closed. “ Mione, my mum better be helping you otherwise I may die from starvation.”
“Ginnerva! You be nice to your sister-in-law! She’s in a delicate state, and has learned how to cook very well!”
Giggling, Ginny sat at the table. “Yes mum. Sorry Hermione. You are an excellent cook, a gentlewoman and a scholar!”
Hermione laughed and placed a cup of Muggle coffee in front of Ginny. “My mum and dad send their regards, and about fifty kilos of coffee as a wedding gift!”
“I love your parents. They are gentlepeople and scholars.”
“You are so weird Ginny.”
“Yeah well, you married my brother and are having his baby. I win.”
Molly laughed at the two girls. “Well Hermione, she does have you there. There is nothing odder than an amazing woman such as yourself marrying one of my little Neanderthals.”
“So, did Ron tell you about Harry’s new power?” Ginny asked Hermione between bites.
“You mean it’s true?!” Hermione looked shocked
Ginny ate a piece of toast and nodded. “Yeah, saw it with my own eyes. He can’t control it just yet, but he can definitely perform his magic with a mere thought.”
“That is all fine and well dears, but finish breakfast quickly. We have to transform my little tomboy into a princess! After all she is the baby and the only girl!” Molly chided while mopping her eyes of sentimental tears.
“Aww mum! Don’t cry like that” Ginny hugged her mother tenderly.
************************************************** ***********************************
“Harry, come on mate! We need to get breakfast before we get dressed!” Ron walked into Harry’s room without knocking. Once inside he saw that Harry was playing with his new found power. Harry was hovering about a meter off of the ground while all of his possessions floated around him in a sort of wind tunnel.
“Oh this is wicked cool! I hope it doesn’t fade!” Harry said as he floated gently to the floor and all of his belongings righted themselves.
“Right, well in case you forgot, you’re marrying my baby sister today. Perhaps you should stop goofing off and go with me to breakfast?”
“Oh Ron, I’m perfectly aware of what today is! I couldn’t be happier, I just wanted to test my theory. No more playing with the powers until after the wedding! Don’t be offended for Ginny.”
“Oh ok Harry, but do hurry up, I’m starving and we still have to pick up your dress robes from my house. Mione shooed me out of there so early this morning I forgot and just went to sleep on Fred’s sofa.”
“You’re lucky he didn’t hex you when you were sleeping.” Harry laughed
“Oh he tried, but luckily Hermione put a little protection spell on me before I left the house. I’m sure Fred’s tail will fall off sometime before the wedding!” Both men roared with laugher at this.
“Your wife is bloody brilliant mate!”
“Aye, that she is. I’m already afraid of our daughter. Her mother’s brains and my sense of mischief? I think she’ll give Fred and George’s kids a run for their money!” Ron and Harry chuckled and headed off to the Leaky Cauldron for Harry’s last meal as a single bloke.
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