Chapter five: Harry's powers
Hey guys, it's been a while but I didn't know what to write. I wasn't ready to jump into the wedding story just yet. Next update will be the wedding though! I'm so excited! thanks for reading everyone!!
Krissy “ Accio shoes!” Harry had been shouting at his shoes with his wand pointing directly at them for the last half hour. One of the easiest spells he learned at Hogwarts was just not working for him and he was getting worried. If he couldn’t get his shoes to travel halfway across the room how was he supposed to perform any more difficult magic?
Ron entered the room quietly. “Mum called me, she’s been a bit worried you’re yelling at your shoes.”
“They won’t come! I don’t understand it.”
“Well show me what you’ve been doing mate.” Harry pointed his wand at the shoes one more time and quietly said “Accio Shoes” nothing happened. Harry was red in the face as he flopped on the bed.
“It’s alright Harry, the healer said it may be a while before your magic came back. It’s only been a few weeks since that curse hit you. Cheer up mate, tomorrow you become a Weasley.”
Harry laughed, “No Ron, tomorrow Ginny becomes a Potter.”
“Oh right, I keep forgetting Ginny won’t be one of us anymore.” Ron grinned broadly at his best friend. “She’s your problem now mate, watch her temper, those bat bogey spells are brutal first thing in the morning!”
Harry threw a pillow at his friend and it erupted into a full fledged pillow fight. Both men were laughing like they were eleven again. No troubles could touch them in that instant. They were just best friends having fun in a childhood home.
************************************************** ***********************************
Ginny was pacing Harry’s flat nervously. Hermione sat knitting lopsided baby booties watching Ginny slowly drive herself mad.
“What if Harry changes his mind?”
“Yes, because he’s been in love with you for years. It is completely likely he will leave you at the alter”
“Sarcasm is not a pretty color on you Mione.”
“Yes well you’re making me seasick sit down or at least stand still.” Ginny sat down in a huff. “What is wrong with you? You should be excited about getting married tomorrow. All of your things are moved in, the flowers are arranged, your gown is gorgeous. Plus we found one for me that makes me look only two months pregnant instead of the elephantish five and a half months I have become. Everything is done!”
“I think that is the problem Mione. There is nothing for me to do except wait! I just want to marry the man I love. Plus I think I am psyching myself out about the honeymoon!” Ginny blushed deeply
Hermione put down her knitting and laughed. “I was nervous myself. But when Ron and I got back to our room…”
“Ewww! Stop! Now! I DO NOT want to hear any more of that!” Ginny was plugging her ears like a small child.
“Oh right, he’s your brother.” Hermione laughed heartily as she resumed her knitting
Ginny just shuddered, “You just like getting a rise out of me don’t you?”
“But of course Ginny, I’m not just your best friend, I’m your sister-in-law. It’s part of my job to annoy you!”
Ginny laughed. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant. As soon as that little girl is born I am hexing you!”
************************************************** ***********************************
Both men were huddled on opposite sides of the room panting and covered in feathers from the pillows.
“D’yeh conceed Harry?”
“Only because I feel as though I may pass out from feather inhalation”
“Oh just admit it, I beat you fair and square.”
“Yes, fine Ron. You are the king of the feather pillows. Happy now?”
“Quite! I guess we had better clean this mess before mum comes up here and beats us senseless.” Ron got on his hands and knees and began gathering the feathers.
“Oh really Ron, just use magic. I’d do it but mine isn’t working.”
“Oh right! I keep forgetting Hermione isn’t around to scold me for being so magic reliant!” Ron waved his wand and the feathers were neatly piled in the middle of the room.
“Nice try Ron, but we need to fix the pillows not just pile the feathers.” Harry waved his hand in the direction of the feathers and they all flew into the air and neatly sealed themselves into their cases.
“Harry… did you just do that without your wand?”
Harry looked astonished. “I think I did. Is that even possible? I mean I didn’t even say a spell!”
“You just did that, without using a wand! I can’t believe it! Call your shoes but don’t say the spell.”
Harry thought to himself and suddenly his shoes were flying at his head.
“What is going on?”
“I think you’re healed mate! Better than ever!”
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