ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll Chapter 2, Part 2 The sky clouded and darkness dawned over Ivan, he could hear footsteps approaching him. Ivan made no move to hide but waited as a figure emerged out of the shadows, striding swiftly towards him.
The Dark Lord, didn’t not look as Ivan had remembered him. His face was not yet snake-like and gaunt as it was at the height of his power, but his skin had already become sallow and his eyes glinted crimson. There was something in his square jaw and pointed nose that made it seem as though he was once handsome.
Curious, Ivan followed the Dark Lord through the alleyways until he heard a distant noise.
Voldemort glanced in the direction inquisitively and changed his path, making for the sound instead.
As he rounded the corner, Ivan tried to keep up with the Dark Lord and suddenly, he stopped. Once again he heard footsteps and Ivan peered around the corner again. A chortle issued from behind a rubbish bin and a box lifted up into the air, spinning around aimlessly. Again, Ivan heard something giggle.
Voldemort had his wand in hand and he moved the bin carefully, as though expecting something to attack him. A baby lay in a little basket on the ground apparently levitating a box with its magic.
Simultaneously, the Dark Lord and Ivan stepped back, stunned by the thought of a child using magic so far beyond its years.
The baby cooed and suddenly the box turned a shade of bright green.
Ivan’s eye’s widened; he had never seen a child use such magic without any effort.
Voldemort was as astonished as he was, and approached the child carefully, slipping a hand beneath the child’s animated body as he picked it up. The memory began to fade; Voldemort was still looking down at the little baby.
Last edited by Obi-Wan K'Lari; 11-08-2007 at 07:20 PM.