I reply back to Luna, "Um, I really don't know what the heck you are talking about or any clue? Have you seen Harry, Ron, or Hermione lately, Luna cause I need to talk them?" Luna looks back at me as she replies, "Not since DA had gotten busted by Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad because of Marietta Edgecombe ratting us out to Umbridge. heard that she bore the word "SNEAK" on her face. She is Cho Chang's best friend." She points down the girl sitting beside Cho Chang with her face covered in in nasty purple postules spelling the word "SNEAK." trying to hide the hideous marks with make-up, but it didn't do any good. Marietta sat five or more spaces Luna and I sat, but across the table. Then I looked towards where Luna had pointed. I look away cause Professor Umbridge looks at me. Then I decided to leave the Ravenclaw House table because I couldn't stand to be in the same room with Umbridge, that evil, calculating, and old toad-face toad hag a moment longer. If I would have cursed Umbridge into oblivion like she deserved from the hate I was feeling towards her making me remember everything she has ever done to me almost immediately. I wanted Umbridge to feel the same serious pain and emotional scarring she had left me in that fateful day only a week and half ago. When she locked me in her office on hours on end as she applied the Crutius Curse onto me. I will never forget the look of satifaction she had upon her toad-like face after she had applied the illegal curse onto me as it had imprinted into my memory until my dying day. I wanted utter and sweet revenge on her. I enter the entrance hall as I hear footsteps behind me. I didn't know if the footsteps were from friend or foe until the spoke my name, "Isbella?" I turn around to see who was behind me and I see Harry Potter behind me. I reply back to Harry, "Yes, it is me, Harry. I need to talk to you in private Not here especially if Umbridge would overhear us talking about her. I can't stand her after all the things she put me through." Harry nods his understandment of what I said to him because he lead to an empty unused Transfiguration classoom.
After I had entered the unused Transfiguration classroom that Harry had lead me into Harry made sure the door was shuted before we starting talking because neither of us wanted to overheard by Mr. Filch or Umbridge. She would try anything to have me thrown out of Hogwarts for the most simplest thing possible. I said to Harry, "We need a plan to teach Umbridge a lesson that she will never ever forget. I hate her with passion and when I had entered the Great Hall from being in the hospital wing for a week and half from the Unforgivable Curse that was applied to me by her. She tortured me into madness and now I want to curse her into oblivion or make her feel the hell she put me through. She derserves what is coming to her." *********************************** Over the few weeks I found out by father, Sirius Black had died while Harry Potter and his friends when tried to save him. Since I recieved the news from Dumbledore about my father's death the day after it happened after he talked to Harry in the early morning hours, but later in the day. I was devestated about the news. I was going to be an orphan because I neither parent to reply on. I wasn't there when my father died because hurt me the most because we spent a very to get to know each other. When I went home from the train ride I sat beside Harry in the comparment with his friends unable to look at Harry from the grieve we both felt. That is the last time I saw Harry. ************************************ On my 16th birthday, July 15, 1996, I had been home crying since I found out father's tragic death. I lost my family and didn't anywhere to turn so I lived in the house I lived at in Godric's Hollow be myself. That day I run in my mother's searching for any clue about my father and mother's romance and about their lifes before I was born. When I had entered my mother's room as it was the same the last time I was in there. I check in very nook and cranky of her old bedroom to find anything I could possibily could find. I look in her closet on the top self after 3 hours of searching high and low. I see a shoebox was on top of the top self of the closet and I reach for it. I grab it off the top shelf and it was very dusty. I take it to the dusty shoebox to the bed my mother slept in, but it hadn't been used in 10 months since my mother died. I rummage through the shoebox after I had quickly opened it as I see the bits and bobs of what was inside of it. It held mementos and memorabilia from my mother's romance with my father. Inside the shoebox were letters, a ring, and many other things. I pick up the letters that my mother and father written to each other. They very pieces of info I found out in my entire life. I was kind of in a daze and I was in shock as I was crying. I found that my own god-parents were none other than Lily and James Potter, Harry's parents. They have been dead for nearly 15 years now. I never that they were my god-parents because my mother decided to keep that piece of information from me.
Chrisd2000 |