Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look! Idril shook her head, still smiling as they walked into the Dining Hall. She took her usual seat, only to find that she was sitting across from Orion. She glared quickly, then looked away. "Sorry we're later, your Highnesses," she said with a small smile. Falsath grinned as he took his seat next to Aspeth. "There was some last minute adjusting to be done," he said with a small laugh. She glanced over at Aspeth, shotting her a grin. Aragorn nodded, still grinning about teasing Orion. "Well, now that everyone has arrived," he gave a small nod to a nearby servant, and the servant rushed into the kitchens. He smiled as Arwen sat down again. "Glad to be home?" he teased.
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