This was a very emotional piece for me to write. I wrote it and re-wrote it, but am pleased with the chapter. I have one chapter left before I end this story. Thank you for your patience in waiting for chapters, and for being such faithful readers!
Hermione woke early in a panic. She would be someone’s wife in less than twelve hours. She jumped out of bed and ran to Ginny’s bed in their shared room at the burrow. When she got there she saw that Ginny was missing.
“Where is she?! It’s barely dawn and that girl isn’t in her bed!” quietly running down the stairs in little more than her dressing gown Hermione entered the kitchen to find Ginny and Molly busily cooking a hearty breakfast. “well there is the blushing bride!” Molly beamed at her soon to be daughter-in-law. “come now child have your breakfast so we can bustle you upstairs to prepare for the wedding. Ron will be asleep for at least two more hours so there is no chance of him seeing you before you walk down the aisle.” Hermione did as she was asked and sat down. Ginny placed a large mug of coffee in front of Hermione. “I took the liberty of stealing the last bit of muggle coffee from your larder. If I have to wake up this early to make you breakfast we are both going to need it!” Hermione just giggled and took a sip of the rich coffee.
The three women sat at the table and tucked in to the large breakfast. No words were spoken. They all seemed to be soaking in the final moments of sanity before the wedding primping began. Occasionally Molly would sniffle holding back her tears of happiness. Whenever Molly sniffed Ginny would gently kick Hermione under the table and give her a wink. It was as though the women were sharing a private joke and the punch line was that at day’s end they would all be related.
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“I can’t believe Mum didn’t make us breakfast! How am I supposed to get married on an empty stomach?”
“Make yourself something.”
“Oh Harry you’re funny. D’yeh think I want to die of food poisoning before I get to marry Mione? I think I’m better off gnawing on my own foot!”
With that two loud pops were heard outside. Fred and George strolled in carrying large plates piled high with food. “Eat up little brother, getting married is hungry business.” Fred beamed at Ron. “Don’t worry, we didn’t cook. Katrina and Serena have been up since dawn making this feast for all the men folk.” George tousled his little brother’s hair companionably
“What are you two up to? You’re never nice.”
“yeah well, special day and all that. Don’t get too used to it. Tomorrow you go back to being our target practice.” All the men sat down at the table and ate the delicious breakfast the twins wives had made for them.
************************************************** ***********************************
The crowd was buzzing. So many of their childhood friends were sitting along the aisle. Neville sat with his Wife Luna as their daughter Beatrice talked to a small plant she insisted on carrying with her everywhere. Hagrid sat next to his fiance Madame Maxime as he sobbed heavily into his massive handkerchief.
At the front of the room Stood Ron and Harry in full Dress Robes. Never had Ron looked so handsome. His blue eyes shone brightly as he stood nervously awaiting the wedding march music to play. He smiled as he watched his twin nieces Winnifred and Georgina walk down the aisle throwing enchanted rose petals that turned into butterflies before they hit the ground.
He silently prayed as he watched his twin nephews George Junior and Fred II, walk down the aisle each holding a pillow with one of the his and Hermione’s wedding bands each. “Please don’t let them behave like my insane brothers” Ron said inside his head. The boys jogged the last few steps and dutifully handed Harry their pillows each sticking out their little palms. Harry handed each boy a chocolate frog and a quid a piece. “You’re brilliant mate.” Ron whispered. Harry just grinned and looked toward the aisle to see his future wife walking towards them. Ginny looked lovely in her purple bridesmaid gown. She smiled at Harry and walked over to the other side of the alter.
The wedding march began and everyone stood. Appearing at the end of the aisle Hermione stood holding on to the arm of her father. She had a flowing gown that made her feel like a fairy princess. He hair was straightened and pinned high on her head in a complicated knot. When Ron saw her walking towards him he began to tear up. She was a vision, and soon, she would be his wife.
The couple exchanged vows in front of their family and friends. Everyone was tearing up as Ron said his vows to Hermione. He spoke of their first meeting, and fighting along side her. Knowing she was brilliant, and feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
Hermione spoke of hope and dreams for the future. How she had loved Ron from the moment they met, and how she would forever be by his side fighting the good fight.
After the ceremony they enjoyed food and drink. Everyone danced into the early morning hours having a wonderful time celebrating the union of an amazing witch and an incredible wizard. When the party was finally over Ron and Hermione left for a hotel room.
Ron nervously put the key into the lock and it snapped off. “Oh really Ronald, you’ve only been my husband a few hours and already I’m taking care of things!” Hermione chuckled as she waved her wand and the door swung open. “Why else would I marry you love? I need you to take care of me.” With that Ron lifted Hermione into his arms and carried her into the room. As the door closed he whispered, “Thank you for loving me, taking care of me, and making me your husband.” Hermione responded with a light kiss on his cheek. “You have dirt on your nose, did you know?”