Thank you! Well, there's more. These are relatively short chapters, but I have quite a lot of them planned out. Sometimes they'll be set in the Afterlife, other times in Teddy's time, but since it switches between his ages from time to time, I'll always mention his age in the story
. Enjoy once more!
Chapter Four - So Alone
Teddy groaned.
'S'up, Teddy?' asked his best friend, Severus Richards, from the bed next to his own. Lots of people had been named Severus after Snape had been proved innocent fifteen years ago.
'I can't believe we're taking our OWLs - tomorrow!' Teddy replied, feeling utterly despairing.
'Bet you wish you took some of those potions earlier, don't you?' said a malicious Gryffindor fifth year who seemed to despise the fact that he hadn't been sorted into Slytherin, and also despised Teddy.
'Shut up, Carl. You know I wouldn't take them anyway - flushing them down Moaning Myrtle's toilet was part of my prefect duties, I know - but I wouldn't waste my galleons on utter rubbish like that,' Teddy said firmly. 'All it will do is put you in the Hospital Wing for three weeks'.
Carl muttered something and rolled over.
As Severus did the same, Teddy had an idea. Harry had given him directions to a magical mirror, just before his first night at Hogwarts, where he could see his true desire.
Teddy knew that the only thing he really wanted was to see his parents again, so he softly padded out of bed, and followed Harry's instructions.
The mirror had words written backwards on it's frame, and Teddy deciphered them immediately. He stood, watching the mirror expectantly -
And they were there.
Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, his parents.
They both looked around twenty-five years old, although Teddy had known the exact ages of both of his parents when they died - Dora had been twenty-six, and Remus had been thirty-eight.
Maybe he wanted to see his parents when they were at their favourite age - but this didn't matter to him.
All that mattered was him, his parents, and the look of utter pride that they wore, looking down at him lovingly.
Teddy Remus Lupin slept peacefully that night.