Ooh ... three posts in one day. Nice.
When I read the first line, I wondered what on Earth was going on, but I'm glad you cleared that up. My first thought was "How on Earth is Sirius comforting Dora when Teddy's 11?" but when Sirius explained, it all became clear.
Aww, poor Fred! I feel sorry for him! But a Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes shop in the afterlife .. so Weasley twin like. And I love your reference to BB! Nice on, Tonks, for calling Davina a telephone company mascot!
Lol. I tell ya, this is the best fic I have truly read in a while that I've been really interested in!
Lena xXx
__________________ listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song 
the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
and shoot your wish up to the sky |