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Old 08-13-2007, 06:25 PM   #186 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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November {Noe} Franze
First Year
Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl

Originally Posted by Pandalicious View Post
Mazing job Vishu Love them

Snagging the Big Girls Don't Cry one
You have a Tink siggy! -squeak-

Originally Posted by prongs1295 View Post
I luff your work! I snagged some of your pics from your grab bag. Too many to count. I luff them all!

Haha I'm glad you like the stuff. Just remember to credit us =)

Originally Posted by WhizzyBubbles View Post
Hey all

Just dropped into say AWESOME WORK! ... and i'm gonna steal a few of Vishu's avvies
^____^ Thanks =) Everyone snags Visushi's stuff xD

Originally Posted by cutestar View Post
I'm so glad you liked the affies, you guys! There are more to come but it's real difficult considering there's school and classes and stuff =\

Hehe glad you liked em hunn!!! I took the words from the Panic! at the disco song but that's such a common line in songs

You can do it coz I already have to do Mischa's request

Saaaaaame. I go off to college Tuesday and I've been busy packing so I haven't had time to do anything just yet. Sorry guys. I do have some ideas for stuff to work on Heehee

Oh! Of COURSE! Panic! at the Disco xD Duuuhhh Ashlie. <.< xD

Mmmm alright. I'll work on it sometime this week then.

Originally Posted by Ginny14 View Post
May I please request a siggie you can use 1, 2 or all of these pictures its totally up to you, sorry they are so large I wopuld like it to say Jessica McPhee 5th Year Ravenclaw



3. Attachment 2521

I want it to be like pinkish coloured in the background..but its really up to you..I hope I'm being specific enough.

Thank you in advanced
I'll do this one, too, since Vishu will only do one request at a time. However, I'll have to wait till probably tomorrow or Wednesday to do it.

I'll see you guys later when I'm all moved in
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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