Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 08-10-2007, 10:26 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Ok, I had the weirdest dream and it kind of inspired me to write in someone... (it had one of you guys in it. Like, in person... it made no sense but it inspired me to add the person who was in my dream). It'll be farther in tho, I swear! Cause I'm already on chapter 22 (and stuck... again... but with this idea it'll hopefully un-stuck me).
Today is a weird day in general... some guy came up to me with two bags of bottles at the bottle depot and just said 'here' and walked away...
Got $9 (Canadian) out of it but it's just been a weird day today.

ANYWAYS, update time There isn't much to this chapter so I'm going to update on Sunday before I leave for camp (so basically from Sunday to Friday evening or Saturday you won't get an update).
Speaking of camp... yeah, leaving for a camp on Sunday evening, and coming back on Friday evening, I get Satuday off, and I leave for another camp the next day (Sunday - 6 hour drive to there, whoopee), and it goes til next Saturday. You won't get an update between those times either.
Just so you know cause it's coming up soon!
Separated weeks, one day between for an update or two.

P.S: I don't mind Ginny, so I make her act a bit better in my F.Fs (if you guys haven't noticed before), which is why I always make things happen like so...


Chapter 7
Ginny Finds Out

The next morning, Hermione woke up feeling rather bright. She jumped out of bed and changed quickly. Upon brushing her hair, she left her dormitory to head into Ginny’s. She knocked, but got no response. Knocking again, Hermione waited. Sighing, Hermione opened the door and located Ginny’s bed. She went up to the side and shook her awake.

“Wha... go ‘way, Mione... 10 more minutes...”

“I need to tell you something,” Hermione whispered.

“10 more minutes...”

“No,” Hermione snapped quietly. She then ripped off all of Ginny’s blankets and threw them towards the door.

“Evil little...” Ginny started mumbling incoherently as she slowly got out of bed. Hermione left the room, dragging the bedding outside with her so Ginny didn’t get any ideas.

After 15 minutes, the door opened once more and a more fresh Ginny appeared.

“Can I have my bedding back?” she asked. Hermione walked in and threw it onto Ginny’s bed. She then left, pulling Ginny out with her. Closing the door quietly, she turned to Ginny and said, “Ok look, you’ll think I’m crazy but it’s best you know now...”

“Ooh, a secret?”

“No, a plan. I’m really ****** at how Harry has been acting, so I’m going to get back at him...”

“Ooh... how?”

“I’m using Malfoy.”

“WHA...?” Hermione clamped her hand over Ginny’s mouth.

“Listen clearly, whenever Harry’s around, I’m going to make it appear as if I’m with Dra... Malfoy. If the plan works, Harry will get angry enough to realize this is how I feel with him and Jaimie, or better yet realize what he’s been doing to me ever since we started going out and want another chance.”

Ginny pushed Hermione’s hand off her face and said, “But what if it doesn’t work?”

“It’s worth a try.”

“With Malfoy?”

Hermione nodded.

“Was this your idea?”

“No, it’s Dra-Malfoy’s,” Hermione cut herself off once more.

“It’s stupid.”

“I changed it a bit... that’s all. Now when or if Harry asks about this all, act as if it’s nothing, ok? Like... it’s no big deal, nothing new or surprising...”

“I get it,” Ginny cut in flatly. Hermione looked at the Weasley hopefully. “Fine, I’ll do it,” Ginny finally said. “Now can we have breakfast?”

Hermione and Ginny walked down the girls’ dormitory halls in silence. They ran down the stairwell and into the common room. They saw Harry sitting on the couch, but they passed by as if he wasn’t there.

“Uh... Gin, is Jaimie up there?” Harry asked.

“Not like I’d care,” Ginny responded as she walked out.

“Mione...” The portrait hole was shut before he could even finish.
Hermione and Ginny chuckled.

“So with this Malfoy thing... it’s fake right? No real feelings or anything?”

“It’s just to bug Harry, there’s nothing else behind it,” Hermione responded. She was determined to remain true to herself and not stoop so low she would end up falling in love with a guy that hates her... right?

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 08-10-2007 at 11:49 PM. Reason: one paragraph space again... sheesh, I hate it when it's just one space =K
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