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Old 08-09-2007, 06:31 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jake Chatich
First Year
Cool Another chapter!
FanFic Enthusiast

Hello everyone! I made a little mistake and I want to make it clear. I said in the begininng of my first post that uptil DH it's all like the books but, the only thing that is diffrent is that Harry and Ginny are still going out (I hated when JKR made Harry brake up with Ginny, it was so sad!).

Chapter 2: ~ Can you laugh or scream any harder?!? ~

The rest of the journey passed mostly in happy talk and jokes. They were all in very high spirits to be returning to Hogwarts but there was something missing. When the train finally slowed to a stop at Hogsmade station everyone took their trunks and pushed their way through the many students trying to get off as well.

"Ginny? Harry? Ron?" Hermione looked around.

"Wer ighte hind oo" he managed to say while being smushed beetween people who were forcing there way off (mostly Slytherins)to. Together they managed to get off and find an empty carriage.

"Firs' years over here!" Called a familiar voice.

"Hey Hagrid!" Harry shouted over all the other shouting. Hagrid turned around smiled widely and waved to them and then turned back to directing the first years towords the black lake where they would be sailing across it to Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were soon joined by Neville and Luna in their carriage.

"Neville! Luna! It's so good to see you! It's so nice that you two are together." Said Hermione and Ginny at the same time. They grinned at each other. Everyone laughed as the carriage was lifted into the air by the thestrals.

All during the ride, high over the black lake, they chatted ecxitedly about there summers. All except for Harry who sat near the end side quietly,looking over at the black lake. Hermione noticed this and tried cheering him him up abit by riminding him and telling Neville and Luna about how Harry and Ginny were standing near a lake that wasn't far from the burrow arguing about something and then Ginny was about to slap him but instead she lost balance and fell into the lake while she grabbed him for support and then he fell in with her.

" was histericle," said Hermione, "Ron and I were watching from a window. We coulden't believe it, they both fell in together and when they came out, they were sopping wet!"

Her, Ron, Ginny Luna, Neville and even Harry burst into fits of laughter. Even when the carriage landed at the entrance to the castle they were still laughing as hard as ever and then Neville trriped on a suit of armor as they entered the castle and that made there laghter double times worse that they almost rolled onto the floor with laughter. Not to mention the stares and points from the other students for there funny behavior.

When they entered the great hall, the laughter finally came to a stop as Luna went to the Ravenclaw table and Ginny went to join her freinds. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville took there usual seats at the Gryffindor table and were soon joined by Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Parvati.

Minutes later Hagrid came in with the first years and neatly made them form a line infront if the sorting hat that stood on an old wooden stool.

The sorting passed in silence except for a loud cheer when a student was sorted into their house.

"And last, Luris Patil." Called Proffesor Sprout who was asighned as deputy headmistress since Professor McGonagall was now headmistress of Hogwarts.
Luris walked slowly up to the stool and Proffesor sprout placed the old hat on her head which fell over her eyes.

"Please be in Gryffindor!" Parvati silently, but loud enough for those near her to hear what she was saying, prayed while the hat was placed on her sissters head, "please be in Gryffindor!"

"Ravenclaw!" The hat shouted.

"No!" Parvati banged her fists hard on the table as her sisster jumped up and walked towords the Ravenclaw table to sit next to her sisster.

Seconds later the empty trais on the tables were filled with all kinds of yummy foods and the students imediatley began piling thier plates.

"his is elly oob!" Said Ron through a mouthful of food.

"Sorry Ron, didn't quite catch that," Hermione said. Ron swallowd his food and said, "I said this food is really good!"

"Oh! Next time don't stuff your mouth, Ron!" She said strictly.

They rest of the meal went in loud chatting and gossiping until Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and called for silence. In seconds the babble died down and every face was upon her.

"Good evening and welcome first years and welcome back to the rest of you. I would like to say a couple of things before we go to bed. Firstly, before I begin, I would like each of you to take a minute and think about the poor people who should of been here with us tonight. Albus Dumbledore was a great man, he died in the hope that we will continue things as normally as possible. I am sure each and everyone of you has lost either a family member or relative of yours or even a freind or just someone you have heard of that was killed. I want you to think about all those people who have risked there lives for us to live a normal life or were murdered. All those poor inocent people, I would like you to take a minute right now, and think about it."

Everyones head was down thinking about the people they knew or heard, some people were crying silently and some of the younger students were even laughing.

Hermione thought about all the people she knew of or read in the prophet that were merdured and shed some tears. This war was driving her nuts! "How could Draco Malfoy, supposed-to-be muderer of Professor Dumbledore return here and act like as if he had done nothing rong? What gave him the nerve to come back and face Harry?" She thought angrily.

Slowly everyone rose, some comforting their freinds, and then everyone slowly turned to look back at Profesor McGonagall.

"Secondly," she cleared her throught and wiped her eyes, "I want to warn you that security has been doubled this year and any dark object will be ditected. And thirdly, most importantly, if you see a freind or classmate, or any one at all acting wierd or not themselves lately, notify either me or a teacher imediatly!" She stared hard around the room finally resting on Harry she spoke, "good night to you all!"

The loud clatter of benches and chairs were heard and Harry, Ron and Hemione remained seated.

"She was really strict, wasn't she?" Asked Ron.

"Well she has to be. You can never be to sure who is imperiused and who is a Death Eater." Said Hermione.

"Why did he come back?" Asked Harry suddenly.

"I don't know," replied Hemione, "but we'll have to keep a close eye on him."

"Yah, knowing him," said Ron, "I bet he's trying to lure Harry into a trap."

"Gee thanks Ron!" Said Harry sarcasticly.

"No problem," yawned Ron, "I'm going to bed. You two coming?"

The three of them got up and walked up to Gryffindor house knowing that there four poster bed was waiting, ready to be slept in.

That's all for now!
More will come soon!
-*~ Shirel ~*-

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