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Old 08-09-2007, 07:55 AM   #31 (permalink)
Krissy Moon
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Posts: 1,468

Hogwarts RPG Name:
"Princess" Iris Sunrider
Fourth Year
heart Chapter 6: The In-laws

Sorry it has taken so long to post. Like I said earlier I have a lot going on! Here is an extra long chapter for you. I am going camping soon so I will try to post at least two more chapters before I leave. Thank you all for the congratulations! And for reading!
Ron finally wiggled out from under the weight of his brothers and ran for the house. “I’m telling mum!” he shouted over his shoulder laughing the whole way.
“To think he’s getting married, yet still going to run to mummy to tattle for every little pummeling”
“Aye, we better get to mum before him or she’ll have us polishing something. Serena never lets me live it down.” With that the twins both ran after Ron.

Once inside Ron grabbed Hermione around the waist and spun her in a large circle. Obviously in a better mood from rough housing with his brothers, he planted a firm kiss on her forehead. “Lets get married soon love. The way I see it, the sooner you become a Weasley the faster this lot grows civilized.”
Fred and George walked in just then and laughed. “Aren’t civilized eh? Well, yeah, you’re probably right.” Fred took a small marble from his pocket and threw it at the younger redhead. When it hit Ron’s shoulder it felt like a heavyweight punch. “Ow! What in blazes was that?!” “Oh just a little thing we’re working on for the school kids chum, we are still trying to name it. Any ideas?” “How about Bloody painful?” Ron said Ruefully rubbing his shoulder. “We will take that into consideration.” With that the young men went into the kitchen to find their wives.

Harry and Ginny were coming down the stairs and spied a sweet site of Hermione running her fingers through Ron’s Golden-red mane of hair.
“Aww how cute you two are! Oh Ron stop blushing! I’ve seen you in more delicate situations!” “Shut it Ginny. Help me convince this Goddess that we should get married soon.”
“I thought I was supposed to shut it?” Harry laughed “She has a point mate. Hermione, we can get your parents here in no time. Just take the floo network and bring them back. They can stay in my flat since it is so muggle friendly. They can help plan the wedding and everything.” Hermione looked like someone had hit her with the confounding spell. “I uh, well… I guess that would work.”

Just then Molly walked in carrying a large platter of cookies, wearing her best dress. “Oh wonderful dear! But don’t you worry about doing that. Arthur is picking him up on his way from work. Harry I hope you don’t mind but I sent Katrina to tidy up your flat for the Grangers. You may want to check and make sure nothing will pop out and surprise them. Katrina is handy with a wand, but doesn’t know how muggles think.” Harry nodded and disapparated to his flat.

“Mum! I can’t believe you did that to Mione! She would have liked to tell them about the engagement”
“Oh Ron, it’s ok. I’m just excited to see my mum! But oh! I look terrible! Ginny come help!” With that Hermione disapparated to her own flat. “Bye!” Ginny left too. Suddenly Ron was alone in the room with his mother. “ Oh mum don’t look at me like that, I’ve met the Grangers before. I know how to behave.”

“Yes wee one, but do you know that you look like you’ve been dragged through the mud by a thousand thestrals?”
“Oh… But they will be here soon!”
“Your clothes are up stairs dear, I had Serena go get those. Now get yourself into a good and hot shower before your future in-laws see what a Neanderthal I have raised.” Ron kissed Molly on the cheek. “You are the greatest Mum.” And like that he was off like a light.
************************************************** **********************************
“Oh Hermione! I am so happy for you!” Mrs. Granger hugged her daughter with delight.
Mr. Granger clapped Ron on the shoulder, “Well I guess I’ll be calling you son from now on eh Ron?”
Ron just nodded soundlessly. This had gone so much better than he had thought it would. He was afraid her parents would object to her marrying him.
“Now then, let us decide on a date for this wedding.” Molly smiled as she pouring the coffee with nothing more than a flick of her wand.
“I think it should be in about a year so we have enough time to plan it all” Mrs. Granger stated.
“I was thinking two weeks would be plenty of time Arthur said at the same time.
“Does anyone care what Ron and Hermione want?” Ginny asked laughingly as she gazed out the window watching Harry and the twins teach her nieces and nephews how to fly on their miniature broomsticks.
“Ginny, you have a point. I would like this to happen as soon as time allows” Hermione said smiling at Ron.
“Like I said, at least a year…”
“Oh it won’t take but more than a few days dear. Our weddings are simple, and done with magic. No need for scouring the entire county for a suitable gown or place to have it. We can conjure it all up in no time.” Molly stated matter of factly.
“Oh how silly of me, I always forget how things are done here. Mione, if you want this in two weeks we are all for it.”
“Yes darling, since I’ve retired we can travel for any amount of time” Smiled Mr. Granger. “Now we’re staying at Harry’s flat, is that right?”
“Yes dad.” “Well, where will he be staying?” “Oh Well he’s got extra rooms dad, in our world Harry is quite well off. You would have to make an effort to even run into him in that massive house he calls a flat.” “Well then if it is all right with all of you, I’d like to bid a good night. It has been quite an exciting day! I never knew I could travel through a fireplace.”
“Oh of course daddy! Ron, will you sidealong with Mum? I‘ll take dad.”
“Of course love.”
With that the four of them disappeared.
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