Thread: Poetry: Impossibilities of the Mind
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Old 04-22-2004, 07:00 PM   #6 (permalink)
Dawn Bloom
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Wow, thank-you guys so much... past_present_future_hermione1357... that was so nice, I almost weeped... lol... ok here's another...

This one is what I like to call a Break-Up poem... lol... Not that I know from experience... :whisle: !


Don't look at me, like I'm stupid
I know what I saw
Don't tell me I'm wrong
When we :both: know I'm right

Why must you lie, why
It makes you look so dumb
I am Not making this up
I'm quite certain I am right

There is no need to lie, your trapped,
caught in your own game, in your web of lies
People, they talk, they whisper and gossip
I know what they're saying, I have heard them enough
I believe them, I know you are false, and not at all grown up

You try to make me believe and think otherwise, you try to cover up
What can you do, what can you say
I have been played one time too many,
This is the last straw, don't you forget it, I'm moving on

Your lies and deceit, have taught me a lesson, a long one to forget not,
never, oh never, and ever and ever, forever
My things are packed, oh yes, I'm gone

I hope you have learned, if not for a minute,
You can never be certain, you'll end up winning
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